10 Superfoods That Will Make Your Skin More Shiny

Superfoods That Will Make Your Skin More Shiny

Changing seasons is a part of life on the planet. There is no doubt that we do find ourselves enjoying different seasons like summer, winter and not to forget, the rainy season. Seasons bring a kind of change and thus are always welcome.

But with changing seasons, you have to take care of your body so that it doesn’t bear the brunt of the change of season. There are different body parts which get affected due to variations in the temperature, humidity and other atmospheric conditions, but skin being the largest organ of the body, needs special care. Sitting inside your house in presence of artificial heat or going outside in low temperatures and chilly winds can both impact your skin. To tackle this problem and protect your skin this winter.

Here Are The Best 10 Foods That You Should Definitely Try:


Avocados are very good sources for Vitamin A, E and C. Also they contain mono-saturated fats which means that avocados help in keeping your skin moisturized. And since we are dealing with dry skin here, avocados step in and take care of our woes. Apart from this, avocados can improve the glow of your skin by removing fine lines and wrinkles on your skin.



Grapefruit basically is a major source of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps in preventing free radical damage. It also contains potassium that prevents wrinkles and protects the skin from harmful UV rays. Apart from this, grapefruit also contains lycopene that facilitates smoother and fuller skin.



Broccoli is a great source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It is filled with natural estrogen which naturally boosts the sound appearance of your skin. Also, the Vitamin B present in broccoli helps in getting rid of flaky patches on the skin.

Broccoli (2)


Any discussion about the glow of skin is incomplete without the mention of spinach. This green leafy vegetable is a storehouse for all the nutrients that will help you fight the natural aging process, remove age lines form the skin and bring natural glow to your skin. It is a Vitamin A rich vegetable which is also good for eyes. Another anti-oxidant Vitamin C helps to repair skin cells. Spinach also contains a substance called lutein that protects the skin from the damage caused by the sun.

Spinach (2)

Olive Oil:

Being a great source of both Vitamin A and Vitamin E, olive oil is very good to your skin. It consists of natural fatty acids which keep your skin from getting dry and impart a smoother and softer texture to your skin. It also prevents aging symptoms by hiding age-spots, wrinkles and other fine lines on the skin.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Almonds are very favourable to your skin irrespective of the seasons. Almonds provide much needed nourishment to your skin and blocks out harmful UV rays from the sun to a great extent. Almonds contain a few powerful anti-oxidants which are great for your skin.

Almonds (2)


Carrots are very popular for being great for eyes, but carrots are a superb source of Vitamin A which is great for your skin. Eating carrots regularly will keep your skin shiny and vibrant this winter.


Dark Chocolate:

Now this must be the most exciting food to many of you. Dark chocolate is actually a good source of flavonols. Flavonols are anti-oxidants that help to combat against the harmful UV rays and provide a suppleness to your skin. So with the right amount of consumption, your skin will be protected even during winter.

Dark Chocolate (2)

Green Tea:

Green tea has many benefits. In particular, its positive effects on the human skin cannot be ignored. Green tea contains certain anti-oxidants that combat free radical damage and therefore prevent dryness of your skin.

Green Tea (2)


Yet another terrific source of high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon helps in improving the quality and tone of your skin. It also helps to protect your skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun and imparts smoothness to your skin.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.