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Psoriasis, a chronic immune-meditated disease appearing on the skin, is a very irritating skin disorder. Commonly, it appears as red and white hues of scaly patches, sometimes leading to a silvery-white appearance. It occurs mostly on the skin of elbows and knees, but don’t think, it ends here only. This may even affect your palms of hands, soles of feet, and even scalp, to your astonishment.
Moreover, it may also lead to Psoriatic arthritis, causing inflammation in the joints too. Though it may affect people of any age, ranging from kids to the people in their mid-thirties, but it is not contagious, and cannot be spread from one affected person to the other. Sometimes the disease is said by hereditary, and sometimes it occurs due to some deficiencies in the immune system.
Not only this, even at times, too much of stress, too much of exposure to sunlight, high and regular intake of alcohols, dry air and viral infections, etc. lead to this menacing disease. This article provides you with some effective home remedies to cure this irritating disease of Psoriasis.
Home Remedies To Cure Psoriasis
Cabbage Leaves
Cabbage Leaves are one of the best remedies in curing this disease. And most importantly, the use of the thickest and the greenest outer leaves are much more efficient. But don’t forget to wash the leaves in warm water, so as to remove the germs and then, eventually dry them with the help of a towel. After the leaves have been dried, make it sure that the leaves are flattened, and softened.
Now, the leaves are to be smoothed out after removing the thicker veins off the leaves, and then roll them with the help of a rolling pin. When, you are over with the rolling of the leaves, then get them a bit warmed and apply softly in an overlapping manner, on the affected area.
But remember that in this process, you end up protecting the area first by putting a soft woolen cloth over it and then compressing it with an elastic bandage. Even, if can find out some time, then intake of cabbage soup on a regular basis, would work wonders.
Bitter Gourd
Bitter Gourd has been used as a traditional medicine to cure several fungal infections affecting your skin like ring-worm and athletes feet, for its juice is known to purify the blood. This anti-helmintic, anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-malarial fruit and having diabetic controlling and cardio-protective seeds, the bitter gourd is very low in calories yet dense with nutrients and vitamins like B1, B2, B3, C, and helps truly in curing this stubborn disease of Psoriasis.
For better results, you might squeeze a cup of fresh juice of this fruit and mix it with a tea-spoon of lime juice to add a tinge, and then take it sip by sip. But remember, that you have this mixture daily for at least four to five months and on an empty stomach. This would heal the affected skin effectively. If you can afford to have this bitter juice some more, then continue the process for seven to eight months, so as to cure it completely.
Butter Milk
Butter milk is the liquid left after the butter has been churned out of the cream in the curd. Drinking this butter milk in liberal quantities helps a lot in curing this menacing disease. Moreover, it won’t be any harm if you include the curd itself in your daily diet. To effectively reduce the inflammation of the flared up itchy skin, you might massage the affected area with this butter milk.
Avocado Oil
Avocado Oil is edible oil, yielded from a rich fruit called avocado. This oil, known as the youth mineral full of nutrients, is rich in vitamins A, D and E, and contains essential proteins, potassium, lecithin, beta carotene and fatty acids, and has regenerative properties making it a great natural moisturizer. The oil of avocado works wonders in treating skin disorders.
It helps in reducing age-spots, sun scars and damage, eczema, etc. But most importantly, this oil is highly beneficial in curing Psoriasis. Application of this oil on the affected area in a much gentle manner helps in reducing the irritation and itchiness caused due to the inflammation of skin. It protects your skin by blocking the path for sun-rays which might destroy your skin due to the heat. It thereby nourishes the skin and brings back the lost spark and glow to the skin.
Cashewnut Oil
Cashewnut oil is the oil which is rubefacient as well as acrid, and is extracted from the fruit of cashew. This oil is efficiently used in curing psoriasis at home. Applying the oil gently on the affected part reduces this irritating disease. But make it sure that before you apply the oil, the impacted areas are to be cleansed thoroughly, and then leave it in the same condition overnight followed by washing it off the next morning.
After few days or weeks, you might find that the colour in the affected areas has reduced bringing it slowly and gradually back to the colour of your original skin by soothing the wound and clearing off the dead skin cells. It even reduces the itching to an extent.
Use of Vitamin E
Simply applying moisturizing creams on the affected skin by Psoriasis wouldn’t help heal this skin disorder, but still up to some extent certain moisturizers can be used in relieving the symptoms. Thus, this is the time when Vitamin E makes its use. At times, the irritation and itchiness increases up to such an extent that your skin becomes dry and very scaly; it is then that you feel like applying some moisturizer to moisturize your skin. Hence, Vitamin E known for its anti-oxidant properties, works wonders by providing the required moisture.
So to attain the moisture and heal the skin, you might rub the Vitamin E directly on the affected area. You will be surprised but this vitamin also helps in preventing scarring and reduces the itching too. Even having the vitamin in your daily diet won’t be of any harm. Thus, the intake of green leafy vegetables, almonds, peanuts, brazil nuts, vegetable oils, fortified breakfast cereals and margarine, would help in increasing the Vitamin E in your body.
Taking bath by adding Epsom salts in your bath water, availability of aloe-vera, applying olive oil and garlic oil on the affected skin, reduces the skin disease, and turn out to be essential home remedies in curing this menacing disease. Even taking sea-water baths would result effective in getting rid of this disease.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.