10 Best Yoga Poses To Stretch Your Hamstrings


It has become very important to properly understand the function of body parts as it is very necessary to take care of each and every part. Hamstrings are types of muscles that are actually attached to the thigh, pelvis and area that are just near the knee area. If you are trying to bend downwards and trying to touch the feet with your hands, you can experience strong force opposing it. If you are not able to easily touch, then your hamstrings are tight. With proper types of yoga pose, the hamstrings can be loosened and thus it provides proper level of flexibility. You should know some specific kinds of yoga that will help to properly stretch the hamstrings and take care of it.

Here Are The 10 Best Yoga Poses To Stretch Your Hamstrings:

Half Pigeon Pose

The half pigeon pose can be done in order to add more flexibility to the hamstrings. This posture includes proper mobility and perfectly stretches the thighs. It also helps in stretching shoulders and hips. Sit on the ground and try to take the right thigh to forward direction. The left leg should be brought to back position. The spine should be straight in posture.

Lizard Pose

Lizard pose is mainly done to provide more flexibility to the hips and leg muscles. This pose looks similarly to push up exercise. Lie down on the floor with your belly touching the ground. Lift your body in upward direction and the upper part of the feet should touch the ground. Both of the palms should touch the ground. The chest should be in bit high position as compared to hips.

Downward Facing Dog

This pose of dog must be done in order to add more amount of flexibility to the hamstrings. First stand straight on the ground and inhale air. Now try to bend the body in forward downward direction. Make sure that the hip is projected towards upward direction. Both feet and palms are touching the ground. This is known as downward dog pose.

Monkey Pose

Monkey pose similarly looks like monkey sitting on the ground. First sit calmly on the ground and start inhaling air. Now take the first leg to forward direction and the second leg in backward direction. Make sure the legs are parallel to the ground. This yoga pose will surely enhance the flexibility of the hamstrings. Breathe for some time and repeat it in other direction.

Pyramid Pose

Pyramid pose is a good type of pose that helps to stretch the hamstrings including your shoulders. Stand straight with few feet gap between the legs. Now bend your upper part of the body and try to touch the head to the feet. Both hands should be projected in backward direction. The entire pose looks like pyramid pose and hence is names as it is.

Triangle Pose

Triangle pose is done mainly to add few level of flexibility to the hamstrings. First stand straight on ground. Now spread the legs so that there are some feet between the legs. Now twist the body and bend downward to touch the right palm to the left feet. Raise the left hand to the upward direction. Perform in the other direction too.

Stand Split

Stand split is also termed to be used for getting proper flexible hamstrings. Stand straight and then start bending in front downward direction. Now try to leave one of your leg in upward direction. Touch the palms to the ground and your face should be facing to the ground. Be in such pose for few seconds and then again raise the other leg upward.

Hand To Toe

It is also easy type of pose that can be done in proper manner. Stand straight and try to lift one of your leg in sidewise upward direction. The leg should make 90 degree angle with the other leg. Now use the same side hand to touch the toe and be there in such pose for few seconds. Repeat doing it in other side too.

Side Angle Pose

Side angle pose can be done by making simple angle in side wise. Stand with making some feet gap between both feet. Now try to bend towards one of the knee in sidewise direction. Now bend the body in that direction and raise the hand in that direction. Touch the palm of the other hand to the toe of the bend leg.

Warrior Pose

Warrior pose is also effective to provide exact level of flexibility in the hamstrings. First stand in normal position and then take one of your leg in front direction. Bend that leg and then raise both of the hands in upward direction. Take your body in the front direction.

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