10 Fantastic Remedies For Liver Enlargement/Hepatomegaly


Some people complain about a swelling in their abdominal region which may be accompanied by abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weakness, tiredness in the morning, wasting of muscles, fatigue, yellowing of the skin and eye whites, mottled and red palm with partly white fingernails etc. Most of the doctors suggest them to undertake liver function test, CT scan of abdomen, Ultrasound of liver or abdominal X-ray as a means of differential diagnosis of enlarged liver or hepatomegaly. Liver is the largest gland within the body and it weighs normally about 3.5 pounds. Liver carries out some of the most vital functions of the body such as digestion of the fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates derived from the food using a digestive juice called bile.


Liver also helps to remove all the toxic substances that get in to the body through alcohol, drugs and pollution. Liver regenerates the damaged cells on its own but if the damages are continuous, then liver fails to regenerate its cells and this impairs the functioning of the liver. Hepatomegaly or enlarged liver is not a disease rather it’s a sign of the underlying cause which may be liver cancer, hepatitis, excessive usage of alcohol, congestive heart failure, leukemia, accumulation of fat due to diabetes or obesity, tuberculosis, side effects of certain medication etc.

A normal liver has the size of a football and the treatment for enlarged liver should be based more on the cause of the liver enlargement. There are many inexpensive, simple and effective home remedies for curing the liver enlargement which may not cause any side effects and here are some of them.

Remedies For Hepatomegaly

For those who have the habit of consuming alcohol, the first line of the treatment should be to discontinue the intake of alcohol. Alcohol promotes the accumulation of fat within the liver and leads to liver inflammation and scarring.

Avoid the intake of caffeine, high fat containing and fried foods, salts, curd, sour foods, buffalo milk and spices. Also reduce the intake of turmeric and red chilies and eat lots of bitter vegetables such as drumstick and bitter guard and include more churned buttermilk and goat’s milk in the diet.

Split the meals in to four to six and include more fruits and vegetables in the diet as it provides almost all the vitamins and boost the immune system.

Drink plenty of water which helps to flush out the toxins present in the body.

For curing the enlargement of liver, extract juice from 50 grams of leaves and stems of white radish and mix it with sugar candy. Take this mixture daily in the morning on empty stomach. The problems associated with liver and spleen can also be addressed by drinking a half cup of bitter gourd juice mixed with a little salt.

Mix two grams of powdered Sprague with half gram salt and take this two times a day preferably after the meals with water. Aloe vera is a good remedy for liver enlargement. Take the pulp from a leaf of aloe vera and mix it with little ginger and black salt. Consume this daily in the morning for ten days and there will be considerable difference in liver enlargement.

Long eggplant which has a unique property of stimulating the inactive liver cells is one of the best home remedies for liver enlargement. Include eggplant in the daily diet and it helps to restore the liver to its normal size and condition.

Make a tablet using one and a half gram each of jaggery and powdered peel of chebulicmyrobalan. Take one tablet with warm water daily in the morning and also in the evening continuously for a month.

The flowers, seeds and roots of chicory plant have immense curative properties and are very useful in treating liver enlargement. Hence extract the juice from chicory roots, flowers and seeds and take this daily or make coffee out of the dried, roasted chicory roots and drink. Chicory helps to boost the production and flow of bile and helps to purify and cleanse the liver by expelling the internal mucus and treating the liver complaints.

Extract juice from two oranges and consume it in empty stomach in the morning for five to seven days. This is a very effective home remedy for liver enlargement. Alternatively drink spearmint juice mixed with sugar daily for about ten days to reactivate the functioning of the liver.

Make a vegetable juice using carrot, cucumber and spinach in the ratio of 3:1:1 and drink this juice daily to cure the hepatomegaly.

Indian gooseberry or amla is very commonly used for treating liver enlargement problems for many years because it contains vitamin C, minerals and antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, accumulation of toxin and boost immunity. Indian gooseberry helps to strengthen the liver by getting rid of the toxins accumulated in the liver. Combine 300 grams of alma powder with 100 grams of ginger powder and mix one teaspoon of this mixture with water and drink it daily in the morning and again in the evening for better results.

Henna powder made from the bark of the henna plant at the rate of 1.25 grams to five grams per day or a decoction made from henna herb provides equal benefits in curing hepatomegaly.

Papaya plays a major role in curing hepatomegaly. Extract juice from papaya seeds by grinding and squeezing them and mix one tablespoon of this juice with ten drops of lemon juice. Consume this mixture once or twice a day for at least one month. Intake of ripe papaya or raw papaya sprinkled with powdered cumin seeds and black pepper once daily is also beneficial for live enlargement

Besides taking the home remedies the patients should reduce their weight by regular exercise and well balanced diet because excessive fat deposited may be one of the reason for liver enlargement. Diabetic patients should control their blood sugar and cholesterol to get rid of the liver enlargement problem. A cleansing diet once in six months is also ideal for curing liver enlargement.

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