10 Home Remedies Of Treating Type 2 Diabetes

Home Remedies Of Treating Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2diabetes is a condition where the body starts losing its insulin producing cells and along with it starts developing resistance against the insulin which is present in the body. The main role of insulin in body is utilisation of glucose for producing energy. Now if insulin doesn’t perform its function properly, blood glucose levels start building up and hyperglycaemia occurs; which means excess of glucose in blood. Type 2diabetes is a progressive disease and it leads to a number of multi organ complications like cardiovascular diseases, retinopathy, neuropathy etc. and is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Therefore it is very important to effectively control the increasing blood glucose levels. A large number of drugs are available for diabetes; however it is better to use natural and herbal remedies along with other drugs to keep a check on high blood glucose and delay the progression of diabetes. It must be always remembered that these herbs or natural agents are not substitute for drugs, they help you in achieving a better control and hold over the disease. Let us have a look at the various natural plant based remedies for diabetes management.

Here Are The 10 Home Remedies Of Treating Type 2 Diabetes:

Plan Your Diet And Meals Wisely

Make it a point to reduce carbohydrates (bread, maida, sugar, potato etc.) and increase amount of fibre in diet. You must also avoid eating fruits like watermelon, chikkoo and grapes which are high in sugar content. Also it is better to eat smaller meal portions at shorter time intervals; this helps in a better glucose control. Increasing level of fibre in food delays absorption of carbohydrates; this then leads to better glycaemia control. You should strictly avoid sweetened beverages like flavoured milk and aerated drinks. Along with planned meals, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly helps a lot in maintain blood glucose levels. Exercising is known to increase sensitivity of insulin at the target cells.

Plan Your Diet And Meals Wisely

Bottle Gourd

Bottle gourd is the most effective vegetable that can be taken during type 2 diabetes. It is readily available in the markets and throughout the year. The juice of bottle gourd should be taken empty stomach in the morning. It helps in controlling blood sugar levels.

Bottle Gourd

Holy Basil

Holy Basil also known as tulsi is a magic herb and is beneficial against a number of conditions. Basil reduces inflammation in body and is also effective in maintaining the fasting blood glucose.

Holy Basil


Fenugreek is a green leafy vegetable which is rich in fibres. It reduces blood glucose levels by delaying and even reducing the absorption of carbohydrates.



Many studies have shown that cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels. It is known to reduce insulin resistance and thereby improves the sensitivity of insulin in the body.


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Onion And Garlic

Consuming raw onions and garlic is known to have superior benefits over high blood glucose levels. These are foods rich in antioxidants and certain agents that are cardio-protective in nature. These food items are known to contain certain chemicals which improve secretion of insulin from your pancreas.

Onion And Garlic

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera when consumed along with glucose lowering drugs (sulphonyl ureas) act as an add-on to those drugs. In some cases it is even known to reduce dose of concomitantly used anti-diabetic medicines.

Aloe Vera


Ginger is again known to have excellent health benefits. It is known to improve the overall lipid profile and along with it is effective in reducing blood glucose levels also. Regular intake is more helpful.



Okra is a commonly used vegetable. But who knew it is beneficial against diabetes. Okra helps in reducing insulin resistance and also indirectly protects the pancreas.


Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd improves the blood circulation and is known to purify blood. Some studies have reported that drinking juice of fresh bitter gourd delays the progression of diabetes and reduces blood glucose. In the initial stage of diabetes called prediabetes, regular intake of bitter gourd might also reverse the natural history of diabetes.

Bitter Gourd

Other herbs which are really beneficial in treating diabetes and reducing blood glucose levels are berberine, fig,Indian gooseberries etc. It must be noted that these herbs provide an all round control over diabetes and some even help in preventing the associated diabetic complications. This control over complications is achieved because increased blood glucose is toxic for blood vessels and when the glucose levels are high, capillaries and major blood vessels are affected. This damages the blood vessel walls and result in complications. Therefore, if you control blood glucose levels; you can prevent complications too.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.