Categories: Home Remedies

10 Must Follow Home Remedies For Scabies


Scabies is a contagious skin problem that is caused due to the infection of a mite that lives on human skin. Common areas of occurrence of the infection include, shoulder, sole of feet, waist, fingers, knees, elbow, armpits, genital areas etc. The problem is characterised by the symptoms like intense itching, pain, skin rashes, redness, swelling, blistering of the affected areas etc. The problem can spread from one person to another and it is therefore very important to get prompt treatment for the problem.

Here Are The Useful Home Remedies That Can Be Used To Treat The Problem Of Scabies Effectively:

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is very useful in treating the symptoms of rabies. The terpinen-4- ol present in tea tree oil helps in eliminating the infection causing organism. Not only this, tea tree oil is also rich in anti inflammatory properties that reduce the symptoms of pain and swelling effectively. Other properties of tea tree oil like anti bacterial, anti parasitic, anti fungal, anti septic, anti disinfectant etc help in healing the problem quickly. It is therefore advisable to apply tea tree oil over the affected portions of skin to get relief.

Azadirachta indica Oil

Azadirachta indica oil is rich in anti bacterial and anti fungal properties that prevent further infection. Not only this, it also helps in preventing the reproduction of scabies and controls the symptoms. Application of neem oil helps in controlling itching and swelling as well. Repeat the remedy several times in a day to get effective relief from the problem.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is very effective in eliminating the infection causing organisms from the skin and provides relief from pain and inflammation effectively. You have to mix some cayenne pepper powder in bathing water and soak your body in the solution to get relief from scabies problem.

Zinc Paste

Zinc is very effective in treating the symptoms of scabies like itching, rashes, swelling etc. Not only this, it also prevents the infection going severe. All you have to do is to apply some zinc paste prepared by mixing zinc tablet in water over your infected skin to get relief.

Turmeric Powder Paste

Turmeric powder is anti septic in nature which helps in treating scabies very effectively. Not only this, the anti inflammatory properties present in turmeric powder help in getting relief from pain and swelling. It also helps in controlling the problem of itching. Therefore it is advisable to apply some turmeric paste over the skin to treat scabies effectively.

White Vinegar

White vinegar is acidic in nature and the use of white vinegar helps in changing the pH of the skin which in turn is very effective in killing off the mites that cause infection. All you have to do is to prepare a solution of white vinegar and water and apply it with a cotton ball on the skin. Set it for a few minutes followed by rinsing off with lukewarm water. It is advisable to repeat this remedy daily until you get complete relief from the problem.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is rich in medicinal properties that are very useful in the treatment of scabies problem. The rich anti microbial nature of aloe vera gel helps in eliminating the infection casing mites. Moreover the anti inflammatory properties provide relief from pain and inflammation. Regular use of it also helps in controlling intense itching problem. Therefore it is advisable to apply some aloe vera gel over the skin to get relief.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is also very effective in killing the infectious mites from the skin and it helps in controlling the symptoms very effectively. Mix some lavender oil in warm water and soak your body in it to get relief. Its use promotes skin cell regeneration and treats the problem completely.


You can also use bleach to treat the problem of scabies. Prepare a 1 : 4 mixture of bleach and water and apply it over the skin to get relief. You can repeat this remedy until you get relief.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is also known for its ability to eliminate the infection causing micro organisms from the skin. Not only this, the rich anti inflammatory properties present in coconut oil are very effective in treating pain and inflammation. It also helps in controlling itching and the anti septic nature of it helps in healing the problem. Apply some coconut oil over the skin to get complete relief.

Therefore it is highly advisable to seriously follow all the mentioned home remedies to get relief from scabies otherwise it could lead to some serious consequences.

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