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10 Natural Ways To Treat Gas And Bloating


Gas and bloating are common problems experienced in everyday life. And most individuals simply take an anti-acid or medication without bothering to get hold of some natural remedies. Basically gas, which occurs on a regular basis along with bloating indicates inherent and internal organ malfunction. It means that something is not going right with your digestive system.Here are some natural remedies along with changes in your lifestyle that will help to curb this problem and also prevent the same from recurring.

10 Natural Ways To Treat Gas And Bloating

Drink 10 Glasses Of Water A Day

It may seem too much but it really is not. Water intake helps in flushing out toxins, which in turn improves digestive function. As a result, you are able to get respite from not only constant gas issues, but heartburn and bloating too. Drink at least two glasses of water on an empty stomach and then keep having one glass of water about every hour or two.

Exercise Regularly

Another simple but effectual way of combating gas and bloating problems would be regular exercise. Cardio when combined with yoga and other exercises exerts pressure on the internal organs, which improves digestion and releases juices that aids in breaking down food. Asana specially ‘hala’ asana helps to reduce bloating and exerts excessive gas naturally.

Ginger Tea

Another easy but simple gas remedy is to have natural ginger tea. Now it should be kept in mind that you should preferably have it without milk or with very little milk. Too much of milk in this tea will only aggravate the problem. Boil some grated or crushed ginger pieces in a cup of water along with some honey. Drink it warm for best results.

Caraway Seeds

Take a teaspoon of caraway seeds and chew on it. Let the juices secrete and enter your mouth. If the taste is too strong for you or burns the tongue, add some salt and lime to it. Helps in immediate relief from gas.

Chew Your Food Slowly

Another factor that most individuals ignore when it comes to gas is chewing your food slowly. You should chew the food at least 30-32 times before swallowing. Broken down food is digested more easily as compared to food that is not chewed on the right way.

Warm Lemon Water

A few drops of lemon to a cup of warm water is a great way to flush out toxins while getting rid of gas. Basically warm water helps to aid digestion while lemon provides respite from gas.


This natural remedy works wonder for treating all kinds of internal inflammation and gas. The strong yet delicious aroma of the spice gets your digestive juices rolling. Simply add it to your favourite vegetables or have it in a powdered form with some warm water.


You remember how fennel or saunf is served at most households post a meal. The reason being that fennel has natural anti-gas properties. The juices of this herb immediately kick starts better digestion and provides respite from burning sensation in the stomach too.

Check What You Eat

Along with the above others, it is vital that you keep a check on what you are eating. Long gap between meals causes indigestion and gas. Spicy and fried foods add to the woe of stomach problems. Excessive fibre consumption too is a major cause of gas and bloating. Reduce salt intake along with very spicy foods.


Peppermint in form of tea, as a mouth freshener or even in salads helps to get rid of problems related to digestion. Have peppermint iced tea to beat summer heat along with gas. You can also have peppermint based candies and toffees to get some relief from the problem of gas and bloating.

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