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10 Ways To Get Rid Of Wrinkles


As we all know, nowadays, it has become almost compulsory to maintain healthy and smart look. Hence, people are much more conscious about their looks and want to look young and attractive all the time. Wrinkles are unwanted lines or creases on skin that usually occur due to process of aging.

Sometimes, it becomes major cause of embarrassment for the people as wrinkles diminish overall look and make a face less appealing. Skin starts losing its elasticity when collagen and elastin level decreases in the skin and it becomes dry, dull and lifeless. Apart from that there are many other factors also responsible for wrinkles such as uneasy lifestyle, improper diet, stress, irregular skin care regimen, smoking and wrong position of sleeping.

These factors also create room for wrinkles and invite premature aging. When soft outer layer of skin gets damaged that eventually results in form of wrinkles. If you have wrinkles and want to get rid of them, then just read on this article to explore some easy and natural ways to treat wrinkles yourself.

10 Ways To Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally

Almond Oil

Almond oil is enriched with vitamin E and work as a wonderful anti-wrinkle treatment. Being rich in vitamin E, it not only lightens the complexion but also reduces wrinkles effectively. It has been used widely in cosmetics and natural skin treatments since long time.

It provides natural glow to the skin improving its texture as well as keeps it healthy nourishing deeply. Massage your skin with some good quality almond oil regularly. For best outcomes, use it before bed every night. It is easiest and safest option to get rid of wrinkles. In fact, it is quite beneficial in reducing under eye wrinkles as well.


Cabbage is full of vitamin A, B, C and K that helps in reducing wrinkles and fine lines. It provides proper nourishment to the skin and tightens the skin. You can prepare and apply cabbage skin tightening face mask to reduce wrinkles easily. Take 1 cup finely chopped cabbage, 2 tsp. rice flour and 1 egg white.

Mix them well and put on your skin evenly. Let it dry and then remove it rubbing gently. Thereafter wash your face with water and pat your skin dry. You will find your skin looking youthful and glowing. Use this remedy once a week continuously to get rid of wrinkles.


Banana is a complete package of beauty benefits as it contains vitamin A, B, C, anti-oxidants and lots of beneficial nutrients that help in skin rejuvenation.

It is known for its anti-wrinkle properties, being supportive in collagen production. Mash one ripe banana to form a creamy paste and spread it all over your face and neck. Leave it for 20 min. and then wash it off with plain water massaging gently. It will tighten the skin and make it soft and supple reducing wrinkles.


Amazing gift of Mother Nature, papaya has high content of vitamin A and papain enzyme that help in keeping skin healthy maintaining its elasticity. It removes wrinkles and blemishes, reduces open enlarged pores and firms up the skin.

Take some slices of papaya and mash them thoroughly. Mix some rice flour and honey in mashed papaya and spread all over your face and neck, leave for 25 min. and wash it off with lukewarm water. It will tighten your skin reducing wrinkles and make it look younger with ultimate softness.

Egg White

Egg white is famous for its anti-aging and skin tightening properties. It is enriched with vitamin A, B, D and E, protein and various nutritional minerals that increase and restore elasticity of the skin. Especially, it contains retinol (another form of vitamin A) that is key ingredients of almost all anti-wrinkle cosmetics.

Egg white mask is the best remedy for instant skin tightening and reducing wrinkles effectively. Take one egg and break it, separate egg white and whip it to apply thin layer of this paste on your face. Leave for 15 min. and then wash it off with water. It will tighten your skin, reduce wrinkles and provide natural glow to your skin.


Honey is a wonderful natural product that has anti-aging properties as it contains several beneficial anti-oxidants and act as humectant that helps in retaining lost natural moisture of skin.

It removes dead skin cells and reduces wrinkles making them less visible as well as promotes production of collagen. Simply apply honey on your skin and leave for at least 30 minutes. Then wash it off with water. It will help in moisturizing, toning skin and reducing wrinkles naturally.

Also Read

Home Remedies For Wrinkles
Rejuvenating Essential Oils For Wrinkles
Home Remedies For Wrinkles Under Eyes
Home Remedies For Eye Wrinkles
Home Remedies For Cure Wrinkles

Quit Smoking

Smoking causes damage to the skin tissues and the whole body as well that further result in premature aging and unwanted presence of wrinkles on the skin.

Thus, it is vital to quit smoking as soon as you notice wrinkles on your skin. As per overall health perspective, it will not only help in getting rid of wrinkles easily but also keep you hale and hearty.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Skin is the mirror of your health and this is the water that keeps your skin hydrated naturally removing all harmful toxins out of your body.

Hence, it is compulsory to drink an adequate amount of water to keep skin youthful and glowing protecting it from being dry as dry skin gets wrinkles quickly.

Sleep In Right Position

One of the major causes of wrinkles among the people is the wrong way of sleeping. We often sleep on sides or in position of face-down that cause pressure on skin and form wrinkles. Thus, it is recommended to sleep on your back in a proper way to get rid of wrinkles and preventing formation of new ones.

Adhere Facial Exercises

Exercise is also beneficial in treating problem of wrinkles. Especially, facial exercises can surely help you in getting rid of wrinkles.

Just add facial exercises to your daily routine and follow it strictly as we all know that prevention is better than cure. Pamper your skin and take proper care of it to get rid of wrinkles.

View Comments

  • Every person wants to look young and attractive every time. Ageing is the main factors for wrinkles. Home remedies for wrinkles are the best solutions. This will helps to look beautiful naturally. Thanks

  • Great post. Thank you for giving such magical and amazing tricks for wrinkles. I was searching remedies for the skin problem but now i'm glad to find your blog. Thank you for sharing, keep posting such a nice and health tips.

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