Categories: Yoga Treatments

10 Yoga Poses To Encourage And Energize Cancer Patients


Cancer is a deadly disease. The ailment and its treatment both are very painful. Most of the cancer patient lost their strength mentally and physically. Yoga can give them strong support, emotional steadiness and physical strength. Yoga includes poses, exercises and meditation and breathing exercises. It helps to make the patient relax, calm, improve blood circulation and provide energy.

Let’s Focus On 10 Yoga Poses That Encourage And Energize Cancer Patients:

Half Sun Salutation

This exercise relaxes your mind. It is one type of Surya Namaskar. Stand straight and take your both legs together. Now join your palms and raise your joined palms together and breathe in. bend towards your back and exhale. Now try to touch your feet.

Reclining Butterfly Pose

This pose is very helpful for releasing tension in chest and shoulders. It is effective for those patients who are suffering in breast cancer. First sit down and join your sole together. Now slowly put down your knees on the floor in the outer side. Then exhale and slowly try to place your upper body on the floor. Place your face towards the ceiling. Place your hands straight with palms towards the ceiling and relaxed. Now inhale and exhale for 15 times.

Legs Up The Wall Pose

This pose is very good for relaxing, improving blood circulation and effective for several types of cancer. Sleep on your back and lift your legs against a wall. Your posture will look like 90 degree angle. Now you just keep your breathing for 20 times to refresh your mind.

Cat-Cow Pose

This pose increases the flexibility of the back portion and energizes the patient. Now come to the position of four legged animal. Your palms and knees will be on the floor. Now curve your spine outward and exhale. Your face will be downward. Then curve your spine inward and inhale and raise your face towards the ceiling. Practice this pose for 20 minutes for better results.

Corpse Pose

This is the easiest pose in yoga. You will feel relaxed and can feel every part of your body. Lie down on your back. Keep some space in between two legs. Place your hands on your sides and palms upwards. Now take deep breath and feel your every part of your body.

Breathing Exercise

This is a very good exercise for treating cancer. This pose allows air in your body firmly. Air goes to every tissues and cells and releases toxin from the body. Sit in the lotus position. Now put your thumb on your right nostril and take deep breath from the left nostril. Now out your anther finger on your left nostril and exhale from the right nostril. Do the same with the alternate sides. Practice this breathing exercise for 20 to 30 minutes for benefits.


It is a good way to heal any dangerous sickness. It also helps to boost the immune system and nervous system. Meditation provides mental strength. Sit in lotus pose. Place your hands on your thighs. Now concentrate on your body and mind. Keep away all tensions and stress of the illness. You can meditate any time but it is better to practice it in the early morning. This is one of the best yoga poses to heal health issues regarding cancer.

Head Stand Pose

This pose is effective for breast cancer patients. It helps to get rid of muscle and joint pain. This pose is very good for those who are in chemotherapy or had surgery. Lie down on your back straight. Now slowly raise your straight legs towards the ceiling. You can give a support on your back with your hands. Stay for 5 to 10 breath and then release yourself.

Downward Facing Dog

This pose is effective to release depression and improve your mood. It helps cancer patients a lot. Lie down on your stomach. Place your palms on the floor. Now raise your core towards the ceiling with the support of your toes and palms. Practice this pose for 20 breathing. Then slowly release yourself. Practice this yoga for about 4 to 5 times daily.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

This pose is quiet similar to the Reclining Butterfly pose. This pose aids to be free from tensions. In this posse lie down on your back and stretch your hands on upward your head. Palms should be placed towards the ceiling. Now join your sole and try to place your knees slightly outward and close your eyes. Practice this yoga pose for 15 minutes and then released.

The above mentioned yoga poses are very effective in treating cancer if you take them seriously along with the accurate diet under the guidance of your doctor.

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