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11 Best Natural Cures For Amnesia


Amnesia is a condition in which a person suffers from partial or complete loss of memory. Poor memory and forgetfulness are the most common symptoms of this mental condition. A person suffering with amnesia may forget simple things like own name and address. Other symptoms like intolerance to noise and inability to concentrate are also noticed. There are two types of amnesia that generally occur.

Anterogade amnesia causes short term memory loss and the affected person forgets the recent events, whereas retrograde amnesia causes the affected person to forget the past events almost completely. Amnesia is mostly found in the elderly and can become worse with aging. An accident involving trauma and injury to the head can also cause amnesia. Psychological problems and diseases that affect the brain cells can also result in this condition. Excessive alcohol consumption, combined with certain prescription drugs, can also lead to amnesia. Do you know anyone suffering from amnesia? The natural cures given here are very helpful in improving blood circulation to the brain and stabilizing the nervous system, providing an effective treatment for this condition. Try them and you will feel the difference.

Natural Cures For Amnesia

Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds are very beneficial as a natural cure for people suffering from amnesia. They help in improving the memory and should be taken every day. Take some cumin seeds and add them to two teaspoons of pure honey.

This mixture should be consumed by the affected person regularly every morning. You can also make a powder of cumin seeds and store it for everyday use. Have two teaspoons of this powder mixed with honey every morning.

Black Pepper

A very simple and effective natural cure for amnesia involves the use of black pepper. Grind some pepper seeds to make a fine powder and store them for everyday use.

Mix half a quarter teaspoon of pepper powder with a teaspoon of honey and have it every morning and evening. This simple remedy helps to reduce memory loss due to amnesia. Ideally, it is best to use freshly grounded black pepper seeds every day.

Best Herbal Remedies For Amnesia
How to Cure Amnesia Naturally


Almonds have been used traditionally since ages to improve memory. These are also very beneficial as a natural cure for amnesia as they contain powerful substances that help to restore the loss of memory caused by weakness of brain cells. Soak ten almonds in water at night and remove their skin early in the morning.

Make a paste of the softened almonds and consume it as such, or mix in a glass of milk and have daily. Almonds are rich sources of vitamin E, magnesium, zinc and fiber, which are very beneficial for people suffering from amnesia.


Apples are rich sources of vitamin B2, potassium and phosphorus. These essential vitamins and minerals are very effective in improving the condition of the brain cells in people suffering from amnesia as they aid in the repairing of the nerve cells. For best results, eat an apple every day with a glass of milk to which a tablespoon of honey has been added.

Exercises And Meditation

Meditation is very beneficial as a natural cure for people suffering from amnesia. It helps to relax their mind and provides relief from the symptoms of amnesia. Practicing yoga is also recommended for affected people. Taking walks every day, accompanied by a person, also helps to enhance mental focus and keeps the brain cells healthy with the fresh supply of oxygen.

Brain exercises are also recommended as a way to recall events and enhance memory. A daily diary of activities should be maintained by the patient and efforts made to remember them so that you can recall events without referring to it.

Basil Leaves

One of the best natural cures for amnesia, basil leaves are very beneficial for treating many other health conditions as well. Fresh basil leaves can be consumed as such for improving the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

These can also be boiled in water to prepare a decoction that is very useful in the treatment of amnesia. This liquid should be cooled and consumed twice every day to get its best benefits.


A person suffering from amnesia tends to not just have memory loss, but also loses the ability to concentrate on things. Sage is an herb that is very beneficial as a natural cure for these symptoms.

It helps to relax the brain and improves the ability to focus in the affected individual. Make an herbal tea using some dried sage leaves and consume it two to three times a day for its memory improving power.


The herb rosemary is another very effective natural cure for amnesia. It has been used since ancient times to treat memory loss and is popularly known as the herb for remembrance. Rosemary helps to treat mental fatigue and forgetfulness very effectively. Prepare an herbal tea by adding a teaspoon of rosemary to a cup of boiling water.

Cover and let it steep for about five minutes, then strain and drink twice a day to get its best benefits. You can also add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to get added benefits and taste. This will keep your brain fresh and alert whole day.

Get Proper Rest And Sleep

Patients suffering from amnesia should get proper rest and sleep as their nervous system gets affected due to this condition and they experience a lot of mental fatigue due to emotional upsets.

This is one of the most important and essential part of the natural cures of amnesia. They should be made to relax with the help of a massage before bedtime and allowed to sleep well for at least eight hours every night.


Walnuts are rich in phosphorus which helps to cure memory loss by improving the health of brain cells and tissues. A patient suffering from amnesia should eat at least 20 grams of walnut every day as a natural cure for this condition.

You can also eat raisins or figs with walnuts in order to get the best benefits. These will help to improve the functioning of the nervous system effectively.

Proper Nutrition

It is important for a person to eat a well balanced diet as a natural cure for amnesia. Freshly prepared food including green leafy vegetables and whole grains is recommended.

Phosphorus rich diet is beneficial so have cereals, pulses, nuts, and drink milk as well as fruit juices daily. Avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages, tea, and coffee, chocolate, refined and preserved foods.

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