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It is an idea prevailing in the mind of the people that cholesterol is not good for health. There are two types of cholesterol present and those are HDL and LDL. LDL type of cholesterol is not good for health and leads to blockage of arteries. Thus this kind of cholesterol should be avoided at any cost. HDL type of cholesterol is good for health and it helps in various aspects. Thus, it should be well kept in mind that food items that are rich source of HDL cholesterol must be included in diet. It will help to fight against all kinds of heart problems.
Types Of Food Items That You Are Consuming On Regular Basis
Avocados are natural products that will help to decrease the level of fats in the body. Intake of avocado will help to get good levels of HDL cholesterol in the body. You can apply this avocado on the sandwich and other food items to enjoy a delicious and nutritious meal.
Oats are the most desired kind of food items that can help to deal with gaining proper amount of HDL cholesterol in the body. Oats are fibrous in nature and hence can reduce the chance of LDL cholesterol absorption by the body. You can consume oats during morning time and add more amount of nutrients to your body. Regular intake will help to gain benefits.
Walnuts are the prime source of good type of cholesterol that is required for better health and avoid any heart related issues. There are various types of other nuts available that can help to gain benefits. Intake of walnuts is surely going to help in enhancing the level of HDL cholesterol in the body. You can chew them or consume them with other stuffs.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is considered as unsaturated form of oil that can provide good level of HDL cholesterol to the body. Intake of olive oil in various form will satisfy the actual level of good cholesterol and take care of the heart. You can process olive oil while preparing good items or can use it in salads. It is safe for body and now days gaining much importance.
Pistachios are good sources of HDL cholesterol that is damn necessary to take care of the heart problems. People who are suffering from the problem of heart diseases can take care of their heart by increasing the intake of pistachios. They are great taste to the taste buds and are also useful for the human body.
Sea Foods
Sea food items are damn necessary kind of items that are necessary to add nutritional value to the body. Food items such as salmon, tuna and other items can help to gain omega 3 fatty acids and HDL cholesterol to the human body. Intake of this kind of food item will help to maintain the condition of the heart.
Almonds are getting good importance these days due to the presence of good types of cholesterol present in it. the polyunsaturated fatty acids present in almonds can help to take care of the heart and reduce the level of bad cholesterol from the body. It is a source of good energy and thus must be consumed on regular basis.
Beans are considered to be power house of fibers. People who are really willing to increase the level of HDL cholesterol in the body can increase the intake of beans on regular basis. They also contain perfect type of nutrients that will maintain the health conditions.
Peas are also considered as good sources of fibers and good level of HDL cholesterol. Peas are usually considered as good vegetable items and are used to prepare delicious dishes. You can process peas or can consume them in other forms to gain its nutritional benefits.
Canola Oil
Canola oil can be used to deal with the problem of bad cholesterol problem. This oil has rich source of monounsaturated fats that is good for health and it will help to avoid bad form of cholesterol. The level of HDL cholesterol will increase in the body and thus maintain the overall health of the body.
Cocoa that is present in the chocolates is of great use as they help in increasing the level of HDL cholesterol. Intake of proper cocoa content chocolates can reduce the chance of bad cholesterol in the body and increase the good cholesterol for better results in short duration of time.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.