Categories: Home Remedies

11 Home Remdies For Dehydration


Dehydration is biological condition where levels of body fluid is less that the amount of fluids drained out of body. Dehydration is trifurcated on the basis of serum sodium levels as hypernatremic (waterloss), hyponatremic (electrolyte loss) and isonatremic (both water and electrolyte loss). Dehydration is caused due to internal (fever, too much exercise, severe injuries andetc.) and external (heat exposure, unavailability of water and etc.) factors. Dehydration is characterized by increased thirst, dry mouth and skin, swollen tongue, dizziness, fainting, decreased urine output, confusion, constipation decreased blood pressure and many such medical conditions.

Dehydration Can Be Brought Under Control Using Understated Home Remedies:

Restoring Water Levels

Water can rehydrate adults easily. Sip small amount of water at regular intervals. Drink clear fluids, carbohydrate or electrolyte contained drinks. Have high-level watery fruits and vegetables in diet strawberries, watermelon, tomato, cucumber or eggplant etc. Coconut water is the best remedy to electrolytes level. Coconut water rehydrates better than water. Make lemonade. Add juice of one lemon in one glass of water, add one teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Have the drink few times a day.

Magnesium Salt (epsom) Bath

Epsom bath helps to curb symptoms of dehydration such as fatigue and muscles soreness. Add little amount of magnesium salt in warm bathing water. Soak in the bath for about 20 minutes. This will help absorption of magnesium through the skin and will help to overcome side effects of dehydration.

Baking Soda

Make a drinking solution of baking soda and salt. Add half teaspoon of baking soda, one teaspoon of salt and two or three teaspoons of sugar in about one liter of boiled and then cold water. Drink the solution several times a day to rehydrate your body.


Yoghurt has easily digested and soothing to stomach. Eat a cup of plain yogurt or eat plain rice mixed with yogurt. This is very effective in dehydration caused due to vomiting, diarrhea or in severe loss of body fluid and fatigue.


Buttermilk rehydrates and restore electrolyte levels in the body. Drink buttermilk few times in a day. To make it a tasty drink, add little crushed ginger and pinch of salt.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a decaffeinated tea and it’s very beneficiary in fluid replacement due to dehydration. It is also a pain reliever and soothes stomach cramp that accompanies with dehydration of body.


Take two bowls of rice and wash them nicely. Rinse them twice or thrice and take that rice water to drink. The water helps to bring strength due to carbohydrates it contain and fight dehydration.


Asparagus is rich in fiber and helps to absorb water in the body. Asparagus is very useful in case of dehydration. It not only help to restore body fluids, but also give strength to body. Asparagus can be taken in as salad or as a vegetable. It also lowers body temperature.

Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds are used to prevent and treat dehydration, it helps to restore body fluids and keeps body temperature cool. Take one liter of water. Keep the water for boiling, when the water is about to start boiling add one or two teaspoons of cumin seed in it and let the water boil for few more minutes. Drink the cumin water after cooling several times a day.


Basil leaves are used since long ages to curb dehydration. It soothes stomach ailments caused due to dehydration. Basil leaves can be added to tea or raw leaves can be chewed alone. This helps to curb heat in the body, prevent and cure dehydration.


Peppermint helps to restore body temperature, electrolytes and fluids. It can be consumed in the form of tea. Peppermint powder can be applied externally to prevent dehydration. A solution of peppermint and boiled water can be made and taken several times a day to prevent and cure dehydration.

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