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11 Superb Home Remedies For Whiter Teeth


Who doesn’t want to have white teeth? However, majority of people don’t have whiter teeth, thanks to their unhealthy eating and drinking habits which contribute towards pale teeth.

Our teeth lose their color mostly because we consume beverages such as tea and coffee. People who have a habit of smoking are most vulnerable towards discoloration of the teeth. This is mainly because; the nicotine content in the tobacco causes the discoloration of the teeth.

In reality, it is not difficult to get whiter teeth. This is mainly because; there are many home remedies that can help you to whiten your teeth without costing you too much of your money. Thus, for people looking to whiten their teeth, the following are some home remedies which they will find helpful.

Whiten Your Teeth With The Help Of Salt:

Common salt is known as a good bleaching agent and can hence help you to whiten your teeth. All you have to do is take some common salt and apply it directly on your teeth and rub it on your teeth for some time. Rinse it once you are done and see you will see the difference. Doing this on a regular basis will definitely help you to gain whiter teeth.

Whiten Your Teeth With Strawberries:

If you are surprised that strawberries can really help you to whiten your teeth then yes, strawberries are in fact the best natural ways to whiten your teeth. This is mainly because; strawberries contain natural teeth whitening ingredients and their seeds are also good bleaching agents. For better results, you need to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste immediately after using strawberries to whiten your teeth. You can either mash the strawberries or apply them directly on the teeth whereas you can also rub the strawberries on the teeth.

Whiten Your Teeth With Hydrogen Peroxide:

This one is a good home remedy that can help you to whiten your teeth quite effectively. This is mainly because; hydrogen peroxide is a good bleaching agent and hence helps you to gain whiter and cleaner teeth. All you have to do is gargle daily with hydrogen peroxide. Doing this for at least a couple of weeks can help you to get the desired results. However, avoid overdoing it as it can irritate your gums.

Whiten Your Teeth With Baking Soda:

There is no other better home remedy that can help you to whiten your teeth than baking soda. All you have to do is take some baking soda and brush your teeth with it. For better results, you can even mix it with your toothpaste and brush your teeth. Doing this for couple of weeks can provide you good results and you will be able to whiten your teeth effectively.

Whiten Your Teeth With Raw Carrot:

No matter how strange it may sound, but raw carrots are a good home remedy for whitening your teeth. All you have to do is take some raw carrots and rub them on your teeth. You will see some immediate results. This one is the simplest home remedies to whiten your teeth.

Whiten Your Teeth With Lemon:

One of the best ways to get whiter teeth is to floss your mouth with lemon juice. Lemon is a good bleaching agent and can hence make your teeth free of all the stains leaving your teeth whiter than before.

Whiten Your Teeth With Citrus Fruits:

All the fruits that contain citrus are highly effective in whitening your teeth. These fruits mostly include orange, lime, lemon, tangerine, grape fruits and rough lemon and so on. Eating these fruits on a regular basis can help you greatly in whitening your teeth.

Whiten Your Teeth With Dairy Products:

You can easily whiten your teeth by adding more dairy products in your diet. Dairy products such as cheese, yogurt and milk contain lactic acid which not only provide whiter teeth but also keeps you away from gum diseases. If you are allergic to these foods then it is advisable that you avoid eating these foods to whiten your teeth as it can lead to unnecessary problems for you.

Whiten Your Teeth With Wood Ash:

The ash of hard wood can really prove to be an effective home remedy for whitening your teeth. This is mainly because; hard wood ash contains potassium hydroxide, which is a good bleaching agent. The tiny crystals of this bleaching agent help to remove the plague which is the main reason behind discoloration of teeth. You can either mix the wood ash with your toothpaste and brush your teeth with it or directly apply it on the teeth. However, avoid overdoing it as it can cause serious gum problems.

Whiten Your Teeth By Limiting Your Tea Consumption:

Hot beverages such as tea and coffee are the number one reasons behind discoloration of teeth. Thus, to get whiter teeth you need to avoid their discoloration in the first place. By limiting your tea and coffee you will definitely be able to whiten your teeth.

Whiten Your Teeth By Giving Up Smoking:

Cigarette smoking is one of the major reasons behind why people lose the natural color of their teeth. Thus, if you have a habit of smoking then it is advisable that you quit smoking as soon as possible. Doing this will not only help you to get whiter and cleaner teeth but will also prevent the diseases that come with cigarette smoking.

These were some of the home remedies that can help you to whiten your teeth. Whiter teeth are not only good to flaunt in public but they also help you to increase your self-confidence as you become more confident of your looks than you were earlier with pale teeth. Just don’t forget to keep your teeth clean by brushing your teeth twice a day and by flossing or gargling after every meal. This will not only help you to get whiter teeth but will also prevent any kind of tooth decay and will also prevent bad breath.

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