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Healthy digestion is essential for healthy living. The food that we eat is digested in the stomach with the help of certain juices and chemicals. The absorption of nutrients starts from mouth till small intestine. If your body’s digestive system is not functioning properly, then it may lead to several illnesses. Fatigue, IBS, acne, reflex, constipation, abdominal discomfort, heartburn and acidity are some of the symptoms of unhealthy digestive system. Let us now discuss some of the natural ways of boosting our digestive system for happy and healthy life.
The daily recommended requirement of fiber in our body is 20-35 grams. In order to fulfill the requirement eat lots of grapes, cherries, beans, crunchy bell peppers, nut and whole grains. Fiber helps in keeping the bowel movements regular and also makes our digestive system strong and healthy. It also keeps the heart diseases, weight gain, hemorrhoids and blood sugar level in control.
If heartburn, reflex and acidity are in your daily routine, then start chewing gum. It has the ability of enhancing the production of acid neutralizing saliva that helps in relieving the discomfort. It is advisable to avoid peppermint flavor of gum as it enhances heartburn.
If you want to get relief from the gastrointestinal discomfort, start losing your weight. Shredding extra weight around the midsection of the body may help in getting rid from burping, heartburn and gas. Take a consultation of your doctor before starting any diet plan.
A small and frequent meal is a great way of preventing bloating, indigestion, heartburn and other GIT symptoms. Always eat your food slowly. It helps in avoiding the overloading of digestive system and helps in reducing the stomach capacity.
Drinking plenty of fluids daily helps body in getting rid of waste products. It also reduces the chances of constipation. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily is essential. Keep hydrating yourself with fruit juices, especially in summers.
Experts say that a daily exercise helps in curing all the digestive related problems. A regular physical activity releases certain hormones and chemicals that help in the digestion of food. Exercising also help in reducing stress, which can worsen the condition of digestive system.
Probiotics are the living micro-organisms that are added to health supplements, yoghurts, snacks and juices. Probiotics releases certain enzymes that help in regulating the function of digestive system properly. Heartburn, gas, bloating, diarrhea and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can be controlled with the regular use of probiotics.
Does your stomach usually get upset, when you get nerves? This shows the connection between the brain and digestive system. Stress aggravates the symptoms of digestive systems. The main cause of ulcers and IBS is stress. Try to control your stress with regular exercising, meditation, sleep, reading books and with outdoor games. Controlled stress will lead to controlled and healthy digestive system.
Try to limit or stay away from the food that causes gas, burps and acidity and heartburn. Certain foods like cheese, soda, beans, cabbage can causes gas. Fried food, citrus drinks, coffee and tea are the major foods that cause unhealthy digestive problems.
It is generally advisable to quit smoking if you have an unhealthy gut. Smoking disturbs the functioning of esophagus valves by making it weak. This can lead to heartburn and acid reflex. It can also increase the risk of developing Gastro intestinal cancer. Passive smokers are generally at the risk of developing Crohn’s cancer and peptic ulcer cancer.
Alcohol interferes in the secretion of certain digestive juices. It also disturbs the nutrient absorption and stomach muscles. Unavoidable drink can lead to liver cancer, diarrhea, heartburn and other gastro intestinal problems.
Always eat your food slowly and patiently. Hogging your food may causes passing of air inside the stomach which may cause gas and bloating. Same goes with the drinks also. Always gulp you drink slowly as it may pass air inside.
By taking the above mentioned precautionary measures you can easily attain a healthy life. Consult your doctor, if your digestive problems are creating hindrance in your daily life. Bloating, gas, acidity, heartburn are some of the primary problems of digestive systems. If these conditions are not treated on time, it can lead to some of the major diseases like cancer, ulcers and food poisoning.
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