12 Ways To Use Garlic As A Medicine


Garlic is a common culinary herb that also doubles as a kitchen medicine. For centuries, folk healers around the world have used garlic to heal a wide range of health disorders. The therapeutic uses of garlic are primarily attributed to its sulfur containing compounds allicin, alliin and ajoene. In addition, garlic is a source of manganese, vitamins B6 and C, selenium and copper.

To Treat Various Health Problems, You Can Use Garlic In The Following Ways As A Medicine:

Lowers Blood Cholesterol

The sulfur containing compounds in the herb inhibits cholesterol synthesis in the liver, which helps in lowering the low density lipoprotein (LDL) or the bad cholesterol level naturally. To lower your total and LDL cholesterol level, take one to two cloves of fresh or aged garlic daily.

Reduces High Blood Pressure

The sulfide compounds present in garlic improves production of hydrogen sulfide gas, which helps in dilating the blood vessels. In addition, allicin, one of the active constituents of garlic, blocks activities of a protein that stimulates unwanted contraction of the blood vessels. Hence, regular intake of a few cloves of garlic helps in lowering the high blood pressure level.

Good For Heart

Garlic is a wonderful food for the heart. The lipid lowering, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of garlic reduce the risk of hardening of coronary arteries and plaque buildup in the arteries. Moreover, garlic also inhibits platelet aggregation, which helps in thinning the blood and reduces risk of blood clotting in the blood vessels, which is a major cause of heart attack.

Treats Arthritis

Garlic is a source of powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. They work by obstructing activities of inflammatory messenger molecules that trigger unwanted inflammation. Studies have shown that people who eat lots of garlic have a lower risk of developing osteoarthritis. Furthermore, massaging the swollen joints with garlic oil helps in reducing the inflammation and pain.

Heals Common Cold

Adding plenty of garlic to the daily diet helps in strengthening the immune system and reduces severity of cold and flu. The anti-bacterial and antiviral properties of garlic help in destroying the germs that cause respiratory infections. To treat common cold, prepare homemade syrup by mixing half a cup of honey, quarter cup of apple cider vinegar and half a cup of water with four tablespoons of minced garlic.

Reduces Cancer Risk

Studies have shown that eating raw garlic frequently dramatically reduces risk of certain types of cancers including renal cancer, colorectal cancer, brain cancer and lung cancer. According to researches, allyl sulfides present in garlic activate a compound that inhibits development of cancerous cells.


Garlic is a natural antibiotic. It is an effective remedy for bacterial infections including infections caused by the antibiotic resistant superbugs. Supplementation with garlic can also help in inhibiting growth of the H. pylori bacteria that cause stomach ulcer.

Treats Hair Loss

For thick and gorgeous hair, use sliced cloves of garlic or garlic oil to massage your scalp. The sulfur containing compounds in garlic rejuvenate the hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Psoriasis Remedy

Garlic oil is a valuable home remedy for psoriasis. The anti-inflammatory compounds in garlic helps in alleviating this inflammatory condition of the skin. Applying garlic oil to the affected areas soothes, moisturizes and softens the skin and reduces risk of future breakouts.

Treats Acne

You can also use garlic for treating acne and pimples. Gently rub a sliced clove of garlic on the acne or cover the pimple with garlic paste to get rid of the unsightly zits. The antibacterial property of acne destroys the acne causing bacteria and the antioxidant effect of the garlic compounds stimulates the healing process.

Cures Athlete’s Foot

Garlic is a powerful antifungal agent. It is especially effective in treating athlete’s foot. To treat this fungal infection, add crushed garlic to a tub filled with warm water and soak your feet.

Relief from Cold Sore

Placing a sliced clove of garlic on the cold sore helps in reducing the pain and swelling. In addition, take fresh cloves of garlic for fast relief from the infection.

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