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13 Efficient Home Remedies For Thyroid


Thyroid mostly occurs due to an imbalance in the thyroid levels. If you are facing thyroid problems you will notice that there are drastic changes in your weight. You are either gaining a lot of weight or are losing it rapidly. Thus, thyroid can also lead to some weight-related diseases such as obesity. Thyroid is basically of two types, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

In hypothyroidism you have an underactive thyroid gland that is your metabolism is not functioning properly and hence you keep on putting weight whereas in hyperthyroidism it is exactly opposite and your metabolic rate is faster and you start losing weight. No matter what type of thyroid you are suffering from, there are a lot of home remedies for thyroid that can help you to get rid of it and that too from the comfort of your home.

13 Home Remedies For Thyroid

Increase The Intake Of Vitamin A

One of the best ways to get rid of thyroid from home is to increase the intake of Vitamin A in your diet. You can do this by including foods such as yellow vegetables in your diet. You also need to eat a lot of carrots, eggs and all the dark green vegetables as all these are good sources of Vitamin A.

Lyceum Berry

Lyceum berry or Go-Ji when consumed can also help you to get rid of your thyroid. Lyceum berry is known as an immunomodulator and can be used to balance the abnormal responses of the body. This one is the best home remedy for thyroid.

Have Some Marine Phytoplankton

The marine phytoplankton is one of the best foods that help you to keep your thyroid under control. This is mainly because; the nutrients and electrolytes contained in the phytoplankton help you to control your metabolic rate thereby reducing the effects of thyroid. Other sea vegetables such as kelp, hijke, arame, wakame, kombu, nori and others. You can also consume Sea weeds as they are rich in iodine content and are also good antioxidants and hence are useful in controlling the thyroid functions.

Fruits And Vegetables

People suffering from thyroid should follow a diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables. For the intake of starch, it is better to include potatoes in the diet and for the sake of proteins; it is better to include foods such as cheese, nuts, peas and beans lentils in the diet.

Increase Your Physical Activity

It is important to know that you will not be able to get rid of thyroid if you continue to live a sedentary lifestyle. Thus, it is advisable that you increase your physical activity. Regular exercising boosts the supply of oxygen in your body including thyroid thereby keeping the thyroid in shape.

Increase The Intake Of Iodine

Organic intake of iodine is considered to work wonders in the case of thyroid. Some of the organic sources of iodine include foods such as asparagus, onion, oats, pineapple, whole rice, tomatoes, watercress cabbage, garlic, and strawberries.

Siberian Ginseng

Consuming Siberian Ginseng helps to nourish the thymus glands and supports thyroid health. This one is an effective home remedy that you can use for thyroid.

Black Walnuts

Black walnuts are a good source of minerals such as iodine and manganese. These minerals play a huge role in nourishing the thyroid glands and enhancing their functions. Thus, it is mandatory for you to eat more and more black walnuts to get rid of your thyroid.

Cleanse Your System

There is no other good home remedy to fight thyroid then cleansing your system from all the toxic substances that have accumulated over time. The best way to cleanse your system is by drinking lots of water and fresh fruit juices. Also, make sure that you get enough rest and spend get adequate sleep as all these will ensure that you have a speedy recovery from your thyroid problem.

Agnus Castus

The herb, Agnus Castus is known to support the pituitary gland thereby supporting thyroid health. Thus, it is advisable that you include Agnus Castus in your daily diet if you are suffering from thyroid.

Avoid Consuming High-Calorie Foods

Foods such as sweets, biscuits, cakes and others that are rich in calories should be completely avoided to get rid of thyroid. Also, cut back the intake of white flour products, fried and greasy foods, and flesh foods, beverages such as tea and coffee and condiments.

Avoid Any Kind Of Stress

When you are suffering from thyroid special you need to take special care of yourself and should make sure that you don’t indulge into any kind of activity that may exhaust you and irritate your mind. Avoid taking any kind of stress as it will only worsen your condition.

If you take too much of stress then your chances of suffering from thyroid again increase but the severity of the attacks is not that intense and you can get rid of them effectively if you try to live happily and remain cheerful all throughout the day.


When you are suffering from thyroid it is better to increase the intake of minerals such as copper, zinc, calcium and manganese. Increasing the intake of these minerals ensures that the metabolic reactions in thyroid are functioning properly which in turn helps to get rid of thyroid quite effectively.

These were some of the home remedies that you can use to get rid of your thyroid problem. One important thing that you need to note is while suffering from thyroid you need to keep a watch on whatever you eat. You need to stay adhered to a proper diet. It is also important to take proper water treatments on a regular basis. You also need to apply sponge on your entire body as it will enhance the skin elimination which is quite common in thyroid.

Also, see to it that you have a healthy bowel movement. This is mainly because; healthy bowel movements will avoid building up of toxins in the blood as it is very dangerous for a person suffering from thyroid.

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