13 Simple Yet Effective Home Remedies For Cold Sores

A person suffering from cold sores has to undergo a lot of embarrassment and pain. Cold sores are nothing but blisters that affect a person without any prior warning and at inconvenient times such as fever.

Cold Sores

A large number of people suffer from cold sores in some point or another in their life. These people try several medications such that are available over the counter but don’t get any permanent relief.

In fact, these people have to face the side-effects that come with consuming these medications. What these people don’t know is cold sores can be easily treated with the help of home remedies. We are going to discuss about some of the effective home remedies that will help to get rid of cold sores.

Treating Cold Sores With Olive Leaf:

Take some extract of olive leaves and apply it on the sores. The leaves of olive are known for their anti-bacterial properties and are anti-viral in nature. These leaves hence help you to get rid of cold sores.

Olive Leaf

Treating Cold Sores With Lemon:

Lemon balm when applied on the affected area can help you to get rid of sores. This is mainly because; it contains some high content of polyphenols which help to fight the cold sores.


Treating Cold Sores With Salt:

Salt is an effective home remedies that you can use to get rid of cold sores. Apply some salt on the sores and press it with your fingers for some time. Thought this may lead to a lot of pain but will work wonders for you as it will help you to get rid of cold sores in a fast manner.

Sea Salt (2)

Treating Cold Sores With Garlic:

Garlic is known for its various medicinal properties and is also used in effective treatment of cold sores. All you have to do is take some few cloves of garlic and cut them into half and place either part of the garlic on the cold sore. Doing this will help you to reduce the intensity as well as the pain of the cold sore. Garlic is useful because it contains an ingredient known as Kolic which is known for its anti-viral properties. The Kolic in garlic helps in speedy treatment of the cold sore.


Treating Cold Sores Goldenseal And Echinacea:

A mixture of Goldenseal and Echinacea is also a good home remedy for cold sores. All you have to do is take goldenseal and extract its juice and mix it with the juice of Echinacea and apply a drop or so on the cold sore and keep it for a few minutes. Do this at least twice a day. Echinacea helps to enhance the immune system and hence prevents the attack of cold sores in the first place.


Treating Cold Sores Apple Cider vinegar:

Making use of apple cider vinegar to get rid of cold sores has been in practice since ages. Applying some apple cider vinegar on the cold sores not only help to eliminate the cold sore completely but also helps to reduce the pain that is caused due to the sore or the blister. For better results, you can also add some lemon juice in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the cold sore for fast relief.

Apple Cider Vineger

Treating Cold Sores The Help Vitamin B-12:

To get rid of cold sores you also need to make some changes in your diet. These changes mostly include adding foods that have a high content of Vitamin B-12 in them. Some of the foods that are rich in Vitamin B-12 include fish, cheese and eggs. Include these foods in your diet and see you will be able to get rid of your cold sores very easily.

Vitamin b12

Treating Cold Sores Raw Milk:

Applying raw milk on the sores can also help you to get rid of the cold sores. This is mainly because; raw milk contains manocarpin which is a fat which helps to kill the virus that leads to cold sores. This is in fact one of the simplest home remedies that you can use to get rid of your cold sores.

Goat Milk

Treating Cold Sores The Help Of Yogurt:

Applying yogurt at least twice a day on the cold sores can help you to get rid of cold sores completely.


Treating cold Sores With The Help Of Ice:

There is no other simple and effective home remedy as ice for cold sores. If you have got cold sores then it is advisable that you rub a cube of ice on the sore directly. Ice will not only help you to get rid of your cold sore but will also help you to reduce the intensity of the pain and burning sensation that you experience due to the cold sore.

ice cubes

Treating Cold Soresh Licorice:

Licorice is another proven home remedy for cold sores. All you have to do is extract some licorice juice from the plant and soak it in a tea bag and apply it on the infected areas and see you will find a great difference in your condition before and applying the licorice juice on the cold sores.

Licorice Root

Treating Cold Sores The Help Of Baking Soda:

Baking soda is yet another effective home remedy that you can use to get rid of cold sores. Baking soda is known for its anti-viral properties and also helps to maintain the pH levels that prevent the cold sores.

Baking Soda

Treating Cold Sores The Help Of Walnuts:

Walnuts are also one of the most effective home remedies that you can use to get rid of cold sores. To use walnuts all you have to do is grind them and make a fine paste. Apply this paste on the cold sores and you will see your cold sores reducing in intensity and your pain withering away with time.

These were some of the home remedies that you can use to get rid of your cold sores. Remember, don’t eat too many fried foods such as potato chips and also stay away from acidic fruits and chocolates as they only intensify your cold sores.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.