Categories: Diet Remedy

15 Amazing Benefits Of Sapota For Skin, Hair And Health


Sapota, better known as “chikoo” in the Indian subcontinent is a delicious fruit pretty common in the household and is loaded with properties which are great for the overall health of the human body.

Some Of The Amazing Benefits Of Sapota For Skin, Hair And Health Are Discussed Below:

Helps In The Skin Glow

The sapota fruit is known for its amazing skin benefits and naturally helps the skin to glow from inside without a requirement or necessity for the application of skin care products to work on the complexion and the texture of the same. This fruit is loaded with vitamin E which moisturizes the skin layer and makes it glowing and healthy.

Treats Skin Ailments

The seed kernel oil that is extracted out of this fruit is often used as a skin ointment as it helps treat painful skin issues as well. The milky sap of the sapota plant has been known to be extremely useful in removing fungal and wart growths on the skin as well.

Acts As An Anti- Ageing Agent

Due to being rich in antioxidants, the sapota fruit is great in eradicating the menace of free radicals in the human body which are actually responsible for the start of the ageing process. Thus, consumption or external application of this fruit on the skin helps reduce lines and wrinkles and reduces the sign of ageing too!

Controls The Dandruff Menace

In case a person is suffering from dandruff issue in their hairs, sapota is just the right solution. The grounded seeds of sapota can be made into a paste which when mixed with castor oil makes a great hair mask. This mix needs to be applied to the scalp and rinsed off the very next day in order to get smooth and dandruff free manes!

Moisturises And Promotes Hair Growth

The sapota seed oil extracted from the seeds of the plant is extensively used in treating the hair and the scalp in order to get moisturized and manageable manes. Along with this, this oil when massaged on the scalp and the hairs help in reducing skin issues and promotes the growth of hairs as well. This oil has also been accredited to reducing the hair fall issue which is caused by seborrheic dermatitis too!

Great Source Of Energy

Sapota consumption is known to provide instant energy to the same and is used extensively by the athletes who need a lot of energy and stamina in their daily routine. This is due to the fact that this fruit is stuffed with glucose which provides the needed energy source.

Prevents The Occurrence Of Some Cancers

Another great benefit of sapota lies in the fact that it helps in the prevention of certain kinds of cancers in humans. This is due to the fact that it maintains the proper shape of the mucus lining in the body due to the prevalence of vitamin A and B in it. The other nutrient added with dietary fibers and antioxidants in the fruit helps in providing protection against cancer formation and tend to bind the carcinogens and thereby protects the mucus membrane in the colon region as well. Thus, it helps prevent colon cancer concerns along with providing protection from the lung and oral cavity cancers due to vitamin A presence in them.

Pregnancy Benefits

Due to being loaded with carbohydrates and nutrients, sapota consumption helps the pregnant or the lactating mothers tactfully tackle the related issues of nausea, vomiting and weakness too!

Aids In Weight Loss

Sapota fruit is indirectly related to weight loss in humans due to the fact that it prevents obese conditions by regulating the optimum secretion of the gastric enzymes in the body which in turn regulates the body metabolism as well.

Treatment For Tooth Cavities

Sapota fruit is also used as a crude filling in order to fill up the tooth cavities in humans as it is high on the latex content.

Promotes Bone Health

Being extremely rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron, sapota is considered to be a wonder fruit as its consumption helps the bones to increase their endurance power and strengthens the bones as well.

Aids In Mental Health

Sapota fruit is a great one to consume while a person is suffering from mental ailments such as depression, anxiety and insomnia due to the fact that it is considered to be a potent sedative which helps in alleviating stress and calming the nerves too.

Promotes Eye Health

Sapota fruit being rich in vitamin A content has been known to be pretty much beneficial to keep the eyes in great condition even during old age.

Promotes Stomach Health

Sapota fruit is high on the fiber content which makes it efficient in the treatment of stomach ailments such as constipation. The tannin present in it helps in preventing diarrhea in humans as well.

Haemostatic Quality

This is one of the greatest health benefit of sapota due to the fact that it helps in stopping the loss of blood from the body and is beneficial in ailments such as pilates, wounds, injuries.

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