Categories: Diet Remedy

15 Amazing Health Benefits Of Oats


One of the health foods that is becoming popular very fast in modern Indian kitchens is oats or oatmeal whose scientific name is “Avena Sativa”. Loaded with proteins, fiber, biotin, minerals and vitamins it is one of the healthiest breakfast options for the entire family. Not only are they easy and fast to cook; they are also healthy and filling.

Protects The Cardiovascular System

Oats have an antioxidant called avenanthramides which is found to prevent the good cholesterol from getting damaged by the free radicals. Oats are also found to prevent the formation of cholesterol layer on the inner lining of the blood vessels. Therefore oats are considered to be excellent for the cardiovascular system.. It has been found that avenanthramides prevents the hardening of arteries.

Protects Against Cancer

Oats contain lignin enterolactone which is found to protect the body against cancer especially those which are related to hormonal imbalances such as breast cancer.

Improves The Body’s Immunity

Oats contain fiber known as beta gluten which improves the body’s ability to fight infections better and it also helps to ward of bacteria that may be there at the place of infections. It therefore improves the body’s immunity.

Reduces Bad Cholesterol

Oatmeal contains soluble fiber. Soluble fiber prevents the absorption of low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) into the blood stream.

Prevents Diabetes

The fiber in oatmeal helps to maintain the blood sugar levels. Oats also contain magnesium which not only controls the blood glucose levels but also helps control the insulin levels in the body thereby preventing diabetes

Good For Weight Loss

The presence of high amount of fibers makes oats just the ideal food for loosing weight. The high amount of fiber keeps the stomach full for longer time thus helping to keep hunger pangs away for a longer time. It is low in calories and fats but has high amount of proteins.

Helps In The Treatment Of Infections Like Poison Ivy And Eczema

Oatmeal has several anti oxidants. It is also found to have very good anti inflammatory properties and is also found to reduce itchiness of the skin. It is therefore widely used in treating infections like poison ivy, eczema and chicken pox. Simply grind the oats to a fine powder and put it in cheesecloth. Dip the pouch in water and gently rub the pouch on the infected areas.

Natural Skin Cleanser And Moisturizer

Oats contain saponins which help remove dirt and grime from the pores and keep them clean. Simply soak the oats in milk and use it as a natural cleanser. The beta glucan present in the oats help in moisturizing the skin naturally. Take a mixture of oats, milk and honey to moisturize the skin naturally and prevent it from drying and flaking. Besides cleaning and moisturizing oats also help in lightening the skin color and they are also useful in treating acne.

Good For The Hair

Oats are found to remove dirt and excess oil from the scalp .They do not strip the scalp of the essential oils and thus keeps the scalp free for dryness and itchiness and dandruff .Grounded oats can be used as a shampoo especially for those with blonde hair. Oats contain huge amount potassium, magnesium and zinc which are useful in preventing hair loss and promote the growth of long beautiful hair.

Good For Women

Medical research has found that post menopausal women who had high intake of oats were found to have balanced cholesterol levels and were at a lower risk of heart diseases, blood pressure and breast cancer. Oats have also found to decrease the occurrence of breast cancer in pre menopausal women. Thus regular consumption of oats is extremely important to boost women’s health.

Protects Children Against Asthma

Medical research has proved that the anti oxidants and vitamins present in oats reduced the risk of asthma in children.

Helps Control Blood Pressure

Oats have potassium which helps control blood pressure. It has been found that people who consume oats regularly had normal blood pressure.

Reduces The Use Of Laxatives

It has been found that consuming cooked oats daily helps improve the bowel movement, prevents constipation and reduces the use of laxatives especially in elderly patients. Oats are beneficial in case of fistula.

Alternative For Gluten Sensitive People

Oats lack most of the proteins found in wheat gluten and hence it is believed that oats can be consumed by people who are gluten sensitive or have celiac disease. But since oats do contain a small amount of gluten it is better that gluten sensitive patients consult a medical professional before consuming oats.

Healthy Protein Source For Vegetarians

40 gram of unprocessed dry oats contains 13 % proteins. Therefore oats are a good source of proteins especially for those who are vegetarians or who avoid meat.

So make it a point to include oats in your diet every day. You can have it in the form of a porridge or broth or simply have it with milk .

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