Categories: Diet Remedy

15 Astounding Health Benefits Of Celery Juice


Celery is a popular health food and belongs to the family of Apiaceae .It is a green vegetable which is loaded with several important nutrients. It can be had as a salad or as veggie and can also be added to rice. The juice of celery is equally beneficial as it has several health benefits

A Few Of Which Are Listed Below:

Diuretic In Nature

Celery juice contains sodium and potassium which helps in maintaining the fluid balance in the body and promote urine production.It also helps in the treatment of gout which is caused due to the presence of excess uric acid.

Helps Control Blood Pressure

Celery juice contains coumarin which keeps the blood pressure under control. It also has pthalides which help in the dilation of blood vessels thereby helping in smooth blood flow and as a result the blood pressure remains under control. In order to keep blood pressure under control drink a glass of celery juice regularly for one week then keep a gap of three weeks and then again have the juice for one week. Repeat the cycle to keep the blood pressure under control.

Keeps Cholesterol Levels Under Control

Celery juice contains a compound called 3-n-butylphthalide which reduces the bad cholesterol that is low density lipoprotein in the body. It also stimulates the secretion of bile which helps in reducing cholesterol.

Protects Against Cancer

Celery juice has 8 compounds that help fight cancer by reducing the growth of cancerous cells, inhibiting the growth of tumors and by preventing the destruction of the DNA of our cells by free radicals.

Good For The Digestive System

Celery juice contains large amount of fibers and nutrients which aids in proper digestion. It helps in proper bowel movement and prevents constipation. It also maintains the acid balance in our body and prevents acidity.

Good For The Respiratory System

Celery juice has a compound called polyacetylene which prevent the inflammation of the respiratory tract. Celery juice is therefore useful in preventing asthma and bronchitis.

Prevents Arthritis

Celery juice contains several compounds which act as pain killers and polyacetylene prevents inflammation. This dual advantage of celery juice makes it ideal for getting relief from symptoms of arthritis and also helps prevent arthritis.

Boost The Immunity Of The Body

Celery juice contains several compounds which help in improving the immune power of the body thereby helping fight infections like cold and flu better.

Helps Remove Kidney And Gall Bladder Stones

Celery juice helps in proper functioning of the kidneys .It removes the toxins present in the kidneys and prevent the formation of kidney stones. Celery juice is also useful in removing kidney and gall bladder stones.

Decreases The Symptoms Of Menopause

Celery juice contains oestrogenic phytochemical anethole which helps in giving relief from hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.

Helps Cure Insomnia

Celery juice contains magnesium which has a soothing effect on the nerves and induces sleep. Therefore it can be used in the treatment of insomnia.

Helps In Weight Loss

Celery juice contains fibers and it has hardly ant calories. It is filling and therefore suitable for people who wish to shed those extra kilos. You can add a dash of lemon and salt to make the juice tasty.

Good For The Skin

Celery juice hydrates the skin and keeps it rejuvenated and fresh. It has vitamins A,B,C and K and is also loaded with folates which helps prevent wrinkles and premature aging of skin. Celery juice keeps the skin young, healthy and glowing.

Good For The Hair

Celery juice keeps the scalp hydrated. Its antimicrobial action helps in keeping the scalp free from dandruff and other infections. It helps in the growth of long strong and beautiful hair. It also improves the texture of hair.

Boosts Sexuality

Celery juice is aphrodisiac in nature. It improves the sexual desire but helps maintain a proper balance while doing so. Hence celery juice can be taken up as tonic to boost your sex life.

So as you can see a glass of fresh celery juice is filled with all the goodness that helps give you a happy and healthy life.

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