Table of Contents
Peas are an exotic food item with perfect and excellent nutrient composition. The sweet taste of peas and starchy texture together makes them a tastier ingredient. Peas contain combination of health protective phytonutrients. These phytonutrients are useful in protection against stomach cancer. The phytonutrients in peas are loaded with anti oxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits. The strong fiber and protein content of peas are helpful in reducing the risk of diabetes. Peas contains very small amount of valuable fats and are also rich source of beta carotene and vitamin E. The strong nutrient composition of peas has made them a very good health supporting food.
The various categories of peas provide us with different antioxidants. The flavanoids category peas provide us with catechin and epicatechin antioxidants. The carotenoid category of peas provides us with alpha carotene and beta carotene antioxidants. The phenolic acid category of peas provide ferulic and caffeic acid antioxidants. Peas also provide us with antioxidants vitamins which specifically include Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Antioxidant mineral zinc and omega-3 fat are also found in peas. These antioxidants help our body to lower risk of diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.
Peas play an important role in regulating the blood sugar levels. The outstanding protein and fiber content found in peas regulates our digestion process. It regulates the starch breakdown and movement of carbs outside the digestive tract. This carb regulation controls our blood sugar levels. Thus intake of peas increases the level of high fiber in our diet.
Bad cholesterol is mainly responsible for cardiovascular disease. Peas contains a compound called niacin which reduces bad cholesterol. Peas also contains omega -3 which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Higher levels of homocysteine are harmful for heart and the levels of homocysteine are controlled by vitamin B. Peas are rich source of vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6. Thus peas proved to be an excellent food for protection against cardiovascular disease.
Excess oxidative stress and high inflammation raises the risk of cancer development. The lower intake of anti oxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients increases the risk of stomach cancer. Peas are loaded with anti oxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. The antioxidants coumestrol are primarily responsible in prevention against cancer.
Highly enriched nutrients and low calories are essential for reducing weight. Peas are best in fulfilling all these criteria. Hence intake of peas helps in reducing weight loss. Approximately 118 calories are present in one cup peas. High fiber present in protein helps us to feel our tummy full for long time thus preventing from consuming unhealthy food. Also there is no chance of feeling weak or stressed by consuming peas. A cup of boiled peas with a pinch of salt are enough to boost the energy levels. The mineral, iron and vitamin content in peas will never make us feel stressed and fatigue for the whole day.
Constipation disturbs the entire system of our body. Clear movements of bowels are essential to prevent constipation and keep the system healthy. Intake of high fiber food helps in clearing the movement of bowels thus giving a relief from constipation. Peas are loaded with high quantity of fibers and hence can help us to relieve constipation. Peas also play an important role in improving our metabolism resulting in better digestion and a better digestive system will definitely not face the problem of constipation.
Calcium is very essential for bones and vitamins are essential for absorbing the calcium which our body gets from our food. Peas contain vitamin K which is excellent in absorbing calcium thus keeping our bones strong and healthy. A cup of boiled peas can fulfill nearly 50% requirement of Vitamin K1 of our body. A bone disease called osteoporosis can be prevented by Vitamin B1 and folic acid present in peas.
Peas can actually help us in looking young by preventing the signs of aging. Our body suffers from free radical damage due to constant exposure to severe environmental factors. The antioxidants present in peas reduce these free radicals and also removes the harmful toxins from the body thus making us look fresh and young.
Peas contain two essential factors called vitamin A and lutein which are good for improving eye sight. Lutein are antioxidants flavanoids is gathered in eye which acts as cancer preventing agent and also prevents macular degeneration. The surface of eye is maintained solid by Vitamin A. It also maintains the health of mucus membrane, skin and eye sight.
Fresh, young and new pods of pea are good source of folic acid. The folates in folic acid are Vitamin B-complex which are required for DNA synthesis in the cell. Intake of adequate amount of folate rich foods by pregnant women helps in preventing neural tube defects in new born babies. Thus peas are very useful for expectant mothers and the soundness of the conceived infants.
Useful For Healthy Skin:
A healthy and glowing skin is always wished by everyone. whatever we eat is reflected on our skin. Since peas contains adequate amount of vitamins, minerals which are essential for skin, hence peas are found to be very beneficial for our skin. Being a rich source of Vitamin C, peas helps in production of collagen which keeps our skin firm. It also prevents the skin.
Depression can be more scientifically described as melancholic depressive manifestation. This usually occurs due to low intake of folate and vitamin rich foods. People suffering from food are usually advised to eat foods rich in antioxidants and cancer preventing agents. Since peas are rich in vitamins, folates, antioxidants and has a great role in reinforcement, switching on to a bowl of peas regularly are useful in managing emotional swings.
Immunity of our body largely depends on Vitamin A consumption. Peas are rich source of vitamin A. One cup of peas provide nearly 22% of vitamin A required by our body. The function of Vitamin A to brace our mucus films due to which it becomes harder for the infections and microbes to attack our body. Also vitamin A plays an important role in better functioning of respiratory tract. The Vitamin C present in peas also helps in increasing the resistance power of the body against the ailments.
The cold temperature in winter causes the swelling, itching and irritation on fingers and toes. This ailment is known as chilblains. Green peas are found to be very effective against these chilblains. The remedy requires the green peas to be boiled in water. Strain the peas and add one teaspoon of sesame oil to the water. The affected area should be fomented with this water for some time and subsequently washed with water. This will gradually reduce swelling, irritation and uneasiness.
Peas provide all the vital nutrients required by the hair follicles for the optimal growth and health of hair. Vitamins B. folate, and vitamin B6 supplies oxygen and nutrients to the scalp. follicles and growing hair. Vitamin C present in peas are helpful in preventing in hair loss as they help in collagen formation required for hair growth. Thus intake of peas can reduce almost all hair problems and having long, strong and healthy hair.
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