Categories: Herbal Remedies

15 Hollyhocks Benefits For Skin, Hair And Health


Hollyhock is known for its decorative purpose. This plant has beautiful flowers. But, only few people know it has some medicinal values apart from its beauty. This plant is able to cure fever, cough, cold, stomach ache. It has been used as a medicine by ancient Greeks to cure injuries.

Here Is The List Of Its 15 Benefits For Skin, Hair And Health:


Hollyhock has been using to treat high fever from ancient time. It has antipyretic component which treats high fever, clear congestion from nose and cure the symptoms of cold. One cup of hollyhock tea will give you comfort as well as reduce irritation.

Sore Throat

Hollyhock tea is very effective for sore throat. Tea is made by the flower, the root and the seeds. You can add some honey with the herbal tea to taste good. This tea will give you comfort from throat irritation and cure dry cough.


Hollyhock effectively reduces puffiness and pain of any kind of injury. You can apply boil and soften leaves directly on the wounds. It will heal the wounds.

Gastro Intestinal Problem

The plant is good to treat several gastro intestinal problems, such as, ulcers, gastritis, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, irritable bowel movement. It will relieve you faster.


If you are suffering in nose congestion along with respiratory problems, then drink Hollyhock tea. It will comfort your throat, clear blocked mucus membrane. You can make the tea with the root. It will give you faster relief.

Increase Appetite

Hollyhock root has a starchy feeling which improves the appetite. You can have the tea to increase your hunger.

Relieves Women

The flowers and root of the Hollyhock is good for women to ease the irritation in the womb and kidney. Hollyhock is good to treat vaginal ejection.

Powerhouse Of Nutrients

The root of the plant contains vitamin B complex, vitamin C along with minerals like calcium, copper, iron, zinc and iodine. You can add this root in your diet to live healthy life.

Digestive Tract Problems

The Hollyhock root and the leaves effectively cure various digestive problems. Research proved that the plant have the potential to treat colitis, enteritis, mouth ulcers, peptic ulcers and more over hiatus hernias.

Comforts Infants In Teething

Teething is painful as well as irritating. You can make a mouthwash with the root to relieve your infant. It is safe to use and it will remove the pain and irritation.

Improve Blood Circulation

The decoction of Hollyhock flower improves the blood circulation. For best result have 5 ml of decoction per day.

Hair Conditioner

Hollyhock will make your hair smooth and radiant. It is believed that this is a very good herbal conditioner. It will make your hair manageable from dryness.

Skin Moisturizer

Hollyhock acts as a very good moisturizer for skin. You can treat your dry skin with this herbal plant. It will make your skin soft, smooth and radiant. It will keep your skin hydrated for long hours.

Natural Hair Dye

Hollyhock is a natural hair dye. You can make the dye at home. Just add few blue flowers in the water and boil it. Shimmer it for 10 minutes and strain the dye.

Heal Burns

You can cool down your burn with Hollyhock stems and root. It will work faster. It will cure the blister, reduce the pain and swelling. This treatment will hydrate the affected area.

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