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15 Incredible Health Benefits Of Cumin


Cumin is an essential spice found in our Kitchen. This spice plays an important role in Indian Cuisine. They resemble caraway seeds in appearance. It not only adds taste to the dish but also has many health benefits.

Here Are The Surprising Health Benefits Of Cumin You May Not Know:

Cold and Asthma Reliever:

Cumin seeds have anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties and help treat asthma and cold. Thymoquinone in cumin seeds help treat asthma and act as a bronchodilator. The compounds in these seeds help soothe the inflamed muscles.

Digestive Aid:

Cumin seeds contain essential oils and thymol. It contains cuminaldehyde which helps stimulate saliva and secretion of pancreatic enzymes thereby enhancing digestion process. Drinking a cup of jeera tea can help treat stomachache and other digestive disorders.

Treats Anemia:

Cumin seeds are an abundant source of iron and play a critical role in treating anemia. Iron is essential in the production of hemoglobin. Consuming cumin seeds regularly can help keep anemia at bay.

Good For Pregnant Mothers:

This wonderful spice is helpful for pregnant women in treating symptoms such as nausea, constipation etc. Cumin seeds help enhance lactation as well. Being a rich source of calcium and iron, it increases production of milk naturally.

Constipation Relief:

Cumin seeds have good amounts of fiber which helps in maintaining healthy digestive tract and relieve constipation. Consuming a concoction made using grounded cumin powder and honey can help relieve constipation.

Memory Booster:

Few studies have mentioned that cumin seeds help boost memory. Antioxidants in these seeds enhance memory and even helps maintain acetylcholine in the brain that helps in retaining memory.

Prevents Cancer:

Cuminaldehyde, an active constituent in cumin seeds help prevent cancer by retarding the growth of cancer cells and tumors. Anticarcinogenic properties in cumin seeds help prevent colon cancer.

Boosts Immunity Levels:

Cumin seeds are a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and other essential oils that help boost immunity. All these nutrients help fight diseases and boost immunity.

Treats Insomnia:

A peculiar property in cumin seeds is that it acts as a relaxant and stimulant as well. Cumin seeds help enhance digestion process which can in turn help in inducing sound sleep.

Prevents Piles (hemorrhoids):

Cumin has carminative and other medicinal properties. It acts as a natural laxative agent and when consumed regularly, cumin seeds help in healing wounds and infections besides treating digestive disorders like hemorrhoids.

Improves Sexual Vitality:

Cumin seeds are loaded with potassium and zinc and these two nutrients help in kick starting your love life. Zinc is essential for the production of sperm. These nutrients help in treating erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, and other fertility issues.

Diabetes Management:

Cumin seeds help in balancing blood sugar levels. Few studies mentioned that including cumin seeds in diet helped in lowering the hypoglycemic levels. Hence, cumin helps in fighting diabetes when taken regularly.

Prevents Skin Diseases:

Vitamin E in cumin helps in preventing premature aging. Essential oils in cumin have antifungal properties and helps prevent skin infections. Antioxidant-rich cumin seeds help reduce the development of wrinkles, sagging skin etc. at an early age.

Influences Menstrual Cycle:

Cumin seeds are loaded with antioxidants and nutrients and help influence menstrual cycle in women. They play a vital role in maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle. It even helps recover from PMS.

Good for Kidney Health:

Cumin works as a tonic in treating renal stones as well as renal colic. Consumption of cumin seeds promotes healthy functioning of kidneys by helping flush out toxins through urine.

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