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16 Home Remedies To Treat Stomach Pain


Unhealthy eating habits, improper hygiene, consumption of contaminated food and water etc expose us to the problem of stomach pain. Stomach is an essential part of the body that help in digesting the food but if the regular functioning of it is interrupted then it affects the day to day activities badly. The common symptoms of the problem are pain, inflammation, indigestion, constipation, cramping etc. Not only this, if the problem is occurring quite often then it could be a warning sign of serious health problems like food poisoning. Therefore it is very important to take the signs seriously and use the following home remedies to cure the problem completely.

Here Are 16 Home Remedies To Treat Stomach Pain:


Ginger is very useful in calming the stomach problems. Chew some raw ginger pieces daily in order to treat and prevent the problem.

Chamomile Tea

The soothing nature of chamomile helps in reducing the problem and all its symptoms like pain, inflammation etc. Therefore it is advisable to add 2-3 cups of chamomile tea to your routine in order to treat it completely.


Regular consumption of celery seeds reduces the stomach pain effectively. It is advisable to take the seeds with warm water regularly to get relief.

Peppermint Leaves

Make a mixture of peppermint leaves and lemon water and consume regularly in order to get relief from stomach pain.

Salt Water

Consumption of a warm solution of salt water is very effective in treating the problem of stomach pain. Therefore it is highly recommended to consume warm salt water every day to prevent the problem.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an immediate remedy to treat the problem. Whenever the pain attacks make a mixture of baking soda and water and consume immediately to get relief. Use warm water for better results.

Fennel Seeds

Regular eating of fennel seeds is a very good habit to prevent stomach problems. It helps in aiding the digestive processes. Therefore grab some fennel seeds after your every meal to get the benefits.


Raw honey aids the digestion process and reduces the symptoms of stomach pain. Regular consumption of a small amount of raw honey gives relief from pain and prevents the risk of other serious diseases as well.


Asafoetida is used for cooking purposes to add flavour to the meals. Apart from this it is very effective in treating the problem of stomach pain. It prevents the problem of gas and bloating and boots digestion as well.

Coriander Seeds

Consume coriander seeds with a glass of warm water each day. This is one of the best remedies to treat stomach problems like pain, digestive issues and bloating. It also promotes bowel movement and prevents stomach inflammation effectively.

Indian Gooseberry Juice

Indian gooseberries are very helpful in treating stomach pain. Regular consumption of Indian gooseberry juice on an empty stomach improves the overall digestion process and prevents a number of digestive problems like gas, bloating, improper bowel movement etc.

Mint Tea

Mint leaves are very useful in providing relief from stomach pain. Therefore it is advisable to prepare a tea by boiling mint leaves in water. Consume the tea 3 to 4 times in a day to get best results.

Coconut Water

If you are facing the problem of stomach pain then you can grab fresh coconut water to get relief. Coconut water reduces the pain and improves the digestive health very effectively.


Include a bowl of fresh yogurt to your daily routine in order to digestive issues. Regular consumption of yogurt is very beneficial in improving the stomach pain problem.


Include an apple to your daily routine. The fibre present in apple is very effective in treating stomach issues and also improves the digestive health to get relief.

Avoid Heavy Meals

If you are suffering from stomach pain then avoid eating heavy and oily meals to prevent the severity. Consume warm water after sort intervals to treat the problem quickly.

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