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Toning up of the arms is necessary to maintain a good shape. In order to tone your arms, you need to get rid of the excess fat in the arms and there are multiple exercises that help you to achieve this. The major muscles of the arms which need to be toned up are biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles.
Top Arm Exercises
Bar Bell Bicep Curls
This exercise helps to build your biceps and it is easy to carry out this exercise. Stand straight with your feet kept at shoulder width apart with the bar bell in your hand. Thereafter slowly lift your chest, while keeping the back straight and curl the bar bell up towards your chest, just above the pectoral muscles. When curling the bar bell, ensure that the elbows do not move and stay solid close to your side. Then return arms back to the starting position.
Skull Crushers
Skull crushers help to develop triceps and for this exercise lie flat on a bench with light bar bell resting on the sides of the body in your hands. Slowly lift the bar bell over the head so that the palms face the celling. Now slowly move the weight backwards so that your hands point backward. Then lift the weight up in this position to get a straight arm and again lower it slowly until you get a deep stretch in your hands.
Hammer Curls To Overhead Press
This will help you to firm your biceps and shoulder muscles. Pick three to eight pounds weight in your hands and stand with your feet kept at shoulder width apart. Ensure that the palms are pointed to legs. Take a deep breath and while doing so raise your hands towards the chest by bending the elbows. Then exhale and while exhaling, straighten the hands up over the head. Again inhale and lower the elbows towards chest and again exhale and straighten the arms back down to the starting position.
Lateral Arm Raises
Lateral arm raises exercise helps to build the deltoids, which are the muscles that form the rounded contour of the shoulders. Stand straight with the feet kept at shoulder width apart and hold dumbbells in each hand, with hands facing the inner sides of the legs. At this position you should be able to see your hands through your peripheral vision, which means the arms, should be slightly pointed forward and should not stay parallel to the body.
Keep the arms straight and do not lock the elbows. Then slowly raise the right hand as you inhale, with the palm facing down and stop at a position when the arm becomes parallel to the floor. Thereafter, breathe out and gradually lower the hands back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the left hand and then do it again with both the hands at the same time.
There are many more exercises like triceps dips, close grip bench press, cable curls, triceps push-up etc. Whenever you use dumb bells use three to ten pounds weights depending upon your capacity. Start with lesser weights and once you start doing twelve repetitions easily, gradually increase the weight.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.