Categories: Fitness

4 Easy Exercises To Burn 100 Calories Quickly


It is a common complaint of a large number of people that because of their busy lifestyle they do not get sufficient time to exercise. Without the calorie burning physical activities you cannot lose weight and maintain your desired body mass index. However, despite your jetsetter lifestyle you can easily save just four to five minutes for workouts. When exercising continuously for 25 to 40 minutes is not possible, you can easily break down your workout schedule into several mini workouts. By burning 100 calories in just four minutes you can rapidly lose weight.

Here Are Some Simple Exercises That Will Help Your Body To Spend 100 Calories In Just A Few Minutes:

Jumping Jack

Jumping jack is a classic full body workout that not only helps in burning calories rapidly, it is also good for the health of the heart and the lungs. Start your workout regimen by jumping ten times. Stand straight with your hands at your side and your feet together. Jump by bringing your feet outwards and stretching your hands outwards.


After jumping, do squats ten times. Although squats are better known for strengthening and toning the leg muscles, they also help in burning fats rapidly and flattening the abdomen. Stand straight with your feet wide apart. Keep your hands in front of your chest. Bend your knees and lower your body. Return to the original position. Repeat the squat ten times.


The third exercise in your workout regimen is push-ups. If you find it difficult to do the classic floor push-ups, you can do push-ups by standing against the wall. Stand at an arm’s length away from a wall. Place your palms on the wall and move your chest towards the wall and then move back to the original position. Do the push-up ten times.


Finish your workout with ten lunges for each leg. In addition to burning calories, lunges help in strengthening and toning the back and leg muscles. Along with the classic forward lunges, you can incorporate side lunges and walking lunges for better result. To do the classic lunge, put your right leg before your left leg. Without bending your upper body, lower your hips until both your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Make sure your back knee does not touch the floor.

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