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Losing weight is a big problem especially for women who have to stay at home. You may be home bound due to household responsibilities or there may not be a fitness centre near your residence.
Some women get so involved in looking after their families that their own health and fitness take a back seat. But, it should not be so! Your health is as important as any other member of the family. Remember, a healthy woman builds a healthy family.
You do not need to go outdoors to lose weight. There are several alternative ways to lose weight without neglecting your household duties.
Weight-loss Tips For Women At Home
Watch Your Diet
The villain in a house bound woman’s rising weighing scale is her diet. Generally when you are free from your daily chores you tend to put your feet up with a cup of tea or coffee and something to munch. Watch, what you are munching in between meals. Say no to fried snacks and fast food items like pizza or wafers. Instead eat a fruit or swap a glass of fresh juice with carbonated drinks.
You can eat fresh salad consisting of sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, tomato and carrot etc. prior to your meals. Salad is filling and full of dietary fibres which aids in digestion and help you to lose weight. Soup is another healthy option instead of caffeinated drinks. Soup is low calorie food and provides essential nutrients.
Exercise While You Work
If you cannot take time out to exercise, incorporate it in your daily chores to lose weight. Get active, fasten your speed while cleaning or dusting. Climb stairs frequently for cardio workout. Keep standing while folding the clothes, this way you will burn more calories.
While going shopping for grocery or vegetables, prefer to walk instead of taking a cab to lose weight. You can do spot jogging while watching your favourite show on TV. You may also buy a stationery cycle and place it in front of the TV. Keep the remote out of your reach and get up every time you want to change the channel. If you have a garden, then tend to it devotedly. You will get dual benefit. You will lose weight while working and will have fresh and organic vegetables at hand.
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Different Kinds Of Freestyle Exercises Without Equipment
Natural Weight Loss And Fitness Tips For Busy Women
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Play With Your Children
Play outdoor games with your children. Add fun to your fitness programme. Play hide and seek, badminton or any other sport where you have to be on your feet. This is the most enjoyable way of losing weight for women at home.
Get a hoola hoop and join your children to play with it. You can also do it alone when watching TV. Take a brisk walk around your house to lose weight. If you have a cooperative neighbour, ask her to join you and go for a morning or evening walk.
Curb Your Desires
Curb your desires for sweets and fatty food items to lose weight. Excessive sugar will make you obese and also cause diabetes. Women at home are more at risk of being diabetic due to their sedentary life style. Higher intake of salt through fried and fatty food items may cause water retention and bloating.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.