4 Home Remedies For Tennis Elbow That Really Work

Home Remedies For Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is the name given to a medical condition in which the tendons of the elbow swell and lead to tremendous pain and inflammation of the hand. Despite its name, tennis elbow can occur in people who do not play tennis. The swelling of the tendon is caused by repetitive movements of the hand and the wrist, which in turn leads to internal inflammation and pain. While pain killers and analgesics are commonly prescribed by physicians, here are some simple home remedies you can resort to, to get effective and faster relief from the pain.

Here Are 4 Home Remedies For Tennis Elbow That Really Work:


Since tennis elbow is caused to overworking the hand and picking up weights, it is of vital importance that you subject your hand to sufficient rest in order to get rid of the pain. The best way to rest your hand is to leave it completely loose and let it fall by your side naturally. Rest your hand for at least an hour in the same way, before you start working on your next task.


Cold Compress

Resting doesn’t always become a viable remedy to get relief from tennis elbow pain, especially in a busy day, when we can hardly afford to leave our tasks and rest. Such situations require a quick relief from the irritating pain. A cold compress or a cold pack can help you get relief from the pain significantly within a limited period of time by reducing the swelling of the tendon and check the inflammation which leads to the pain. Simply compress your hand with ice packs 3-4 times a day to get relieved.

Cold Compress


This may not be a known treatment to you but potatoes, due to having anti-inflammatory properties, proves to be a fabulous remedy for treating tennis elbow. To use potato for treating tennis elbow, boil a potato and mash it. Dump the mashed potato in a piece of cloth and place that over your elbow. Tie the cloth around your elbow and let the potato do its work for 30 minutes.


Pain Relieving Sprays Or Balms

This is probably one of the most easily available remedies available in our homes for treating tennis elbow pain. Simply spray a pain relieving spray over the affected elbow and any other joints of the hand which may have been affected, like shoulder and wrap a crepe bandage all over the hand. Let the hand rest for a few minutes to get relief.

Pain Relieving sprays or balms

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.