5 Acupressure Points For Improving Eyesight


Acupressure is an ancient treatment that originated in China. According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, health problems occur when the energy circulating in the body is obstructed. Acupressure works by removing the obstruction that helps in restoring the normal energy flow in the body. Declining eyesight, according to TCM, too is caused by obstruction in energy circulation, which can be easily treated by acupressure.

Applying Pressure To The Following Acupressure Points Can Help In Improving Your Eyesight Naturally:

Inner Edge Of Eyebrow

The acupressure point located on the inner edge of the eye socket on the edge of your eyebrow is known as the Bladder-2 or BL-2 acupressure point. Applying pressure to this point helps in reducing eye strain and relaxes the eye muscles. Put your thumb on this point and rotate your thumb while gently pressing the point. Apply pressure on the BL-2 point on both the eye sockets for five minutes.

Side Of The Nostrils

On the side of the nostril there are two acupressure points, St-2 and St-3 that are associated with vision problems. To locate the points, look straight. Imagine a vertical line extending from the center of the pupil to the cheek. The St-2 point is located a thumb width under the eye on this imaginary line and the St-3 point is situated just below it. With your middle finger and index finger, gently press these two points for 3 to 5 minutes.

Between The Eyebrows

Pressing the point located between the eyebrows helps in reducing eyestrain. The point known as the power acupressure point is situated just above the nose line, midway between the eyebrows. With your thumb press this point for 5 to 8 minutes.

Tip Of The First Toe And Thumb

Gently applying pressure on the tip of the first toe on both the feet helps in improving vision. With your thumb press the point for about 3 minutes. You will get the same result by pressing the tip of the thumb.

LV3 Point On Foot

The acupressure point known as liver or LV-3 point is located between the first and the second metatarsal bones on the foot. Applying pressure on this point helps in reducing eye pressure and improves eyesight.

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