5 Best Home Remedies To Cure Calluses On The Feet

Remedies To Cure Calluses On The Feet

Calluses on the feet can be visualized as a defensive mechanism of the body to protect the region from the effects of constant contact and possible injury. It is a hard layer of dead skin cells that forms on the region of constant contact and rubbing. One often experiences them on the toes and sole of the feet as these are the common areas exposed to constant contact. Initially though calluses are painless, yet on later stages they can cause pain and discomfort. There are a number of home remedies that can help the person get rid of all of these issues at once. The below mentioned home remedies from the ideal way to get a hold of all the issues concerning calluses on feet in an effective and quick manner.

Here Are 5 Best Home Remedies To Cure Calluses On The Feet:

Mixture Of Salt Water And Warm Water

One of the most effective ways is to use a combination of salt water and warm water, and then rinse the toes in them for as long as 30 minutes. After that, using a scrubber the person needs to rub the region and peel off the dead skin cells.

Mixture of salt water and warm water

Use A Pumice Stone

Another plausible way to get rid of all the dead skin cells is to use a pumice stone and rub it on the region just after the end of a shower. This effectively removes the dead skin cells.

Use a pumice stone

Soak Your Feet In Milk

After taking a bath and having soaked the feet in milk for a while, one might want to consider using a soft brush or a cuticle scrubber on the affected region to reduce the dead skin cells around the nails.

Soak your feet in milk

Use A Soft Brush

Another easy method to remove the calluses off the feet is to use any soft brush with traces of salicylic acid on it and rub the toes after a warm bath.

Use a soft brush

Mix Of Aspirin And Salicylic Acid

Following this, another effective way to get rid of the calluses on the feet is to use a combination of aspirin and salicylic acid. Mix them up with one and a half tablespoon of water and lemon juice. The compound formed needs to be applied to the affected region and kept wrapped in a small plastic cover for as long as 10 to 15 minutes. Then remove the entire ordeal and using a pumice stone gently rub off the area. Soak it in warm water and the skin will be as good as new.

aspirin and salicylic acid

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.