Categories: Diet Remedy

5 Cautionary Pregnancy Diabetes Diet Tips


Diabetes occurs when your pancreas is not able to meet the insulin requirements for converting your blood sugar into glucose, which is used for producing energy in your body.  When this disorder occurs when you are pregnant, it is called pregnancy diabetes or gestational diabetes, and it occurs in 2-10 % of pregnant women, becoming quite a common medical condition in the world today.

Diabetes comes with restricted dietary habits, which have to be followed during gestational diabetes too. However, you should not worry, as the restrictions, when followed under reliable medical supervision, will not make your baby compromise with its nutritional requirements.

One of the first strategies that you should adopt to win over your pregnancy diabetes is to visit a clinical dietician and chalk out a diet regime that will be beneficial for both you and your baby. In general, foods that are low on glycemic load, and food containing complex sugars are recommended for consumption, in place of foods that are high on glycemic load and which contain simple sugars.

You also have to note that pregnancy diabetes not only requires you to monitor the kind of foods that you have, but also the quantity of foods that you eat. The key to a healthy dietary habit during pregnancy diabetes is to eat all allowed foods in moderation and in a balanced manner.

Specific Pregnancy Diabetes Diet Options

Chuck Refined Sugar

Refined sugar is the white table sugar that is an integral part of every modern kitchen. Though it may have become an indispensible item of your food menu, you have to temporarily bid farewell to it, till your blood sugar levels are reported to be normal. Try to have your tea and coffee without sugar. You will get used to them in no time.

You can have black tea / black coffee as they taste better without the unsweetened milk and are a healthier option too in comparison to their dairy-filled counter parts. Needless to say, do not indulge in foods and drinks made with refined sugar. Occasionally you can have foods that are made with natural sweeteners other than refined sugar. Buy food items labeled with “no added sugar” in super markets.

Chuck Simple Sugars (Simple Carbohydrates)

Restricting refined sugar is not enough, if you have diabetes. You have to chuck foods such as potatoes, white rice, white bread, honey, ketchup, jams and jellies, and generally all foods made of refined flour.

Have Complex Sugars (Complex Carbohydrates)

Foods made of complex sugars are recommended, as they do not spike up the blood glucose levels as rapidly as the foods that contain simple sugars, thus keeping the blood glucose levels of a diabetic in a safe zone.

Have bread made of unrefined wheat flour, fibrous fruits and vegetables (apricot, plum, orange, grapefruit, green leafy vegetable, eggplant, cucumber, etc.), legumes (black bean, garbanzo bean, pea, pinto bean, soy bean) and soy milk ( instead of dairy milk as it may contain simple sugars).

Have Proteins

There is no restriction on the protein intake of persons suffering with pregnancy diabetes. Protein is required for muscle building of your baby. Low fat milk, cheese made of low fat milk, soy products, lean meat, chicken, etc. can help in sprucing up your protein levels without increasing the carbohydrate or fat levels of your body.

Have Adequate Amounts of Iron and Calcium

Iron is required by both you and your baby. You need it for preventing anemia, while your baby needs it for proper cellular and organ development. Similarly, calcium is also required by both you and your baby. Calcium is vital for strengthening your and your baby’s bones. It is required for appropriate neural transmission development, and strengthening of the heart and muscles of your fetus. Iron is found in vegetables such as spinach and meat such as chicken, while calcium is found in low fat double-toned milk and milk products. As calcium and iron do not increase your blood glucose levels there is no restriction on their consumption, unless they are consumed in combination with other foods that elevate your blood glucose readings.

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