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5 Diet Treatment For Ulcer


An ulcer is basically a wound. Though most of us are aware of the peptic ulcer, which we commonly refer to as ulcer, the term encompasses more varieties of internal and external bodily membrane abrasions.

Bedsores, mouth ulcers, eye ulcers, genital ulcers and venous ulcers are some of the common types of ulcers that human beings suffer with. Diet plays an important role in healing the wound, though ultimately, you should be under strict medical supervision till the ulcer is healed, as such wounds are prone to dangerous infections and tissue damage.

5 Diet Tips For  Ulcer

Diet For Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcer or duodenal ulcer is the most common form of ulcer. These are stomach ulcers. You should always avoid foods that irritate your stomach lining. Spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided as these may increase the production of stomach acids, which is highly undesirable for those suffering from peptic ulcers, as the ulcers are actually caused due to the corrosion of the stomach membranes by excessive gastric acids of high acidity rates.

Ice cold milk, bananas, non-citrus fruits, vegetables, and whole grain breads are some of the foods that you can have for alleviating peptic ulcers. Raw cabbage is believed to cure peptic ulcers with its S- Methylmethoinin (commonly known as Vitamin U) which is known to address a number of issues related to the digestive system.

Diet For Bedsores

A bed sore is a wound that is caused on the skin in persons with no mobility, mostly elderly persons. It happens when the blood supply to a particular region on the skin is cut off. Repeated pressure on that part of the skin while sitting or lying down causes bed sores. Improved nutrition will improve the quality of the skin of persons suffering from bed sores.

Drinking plenty of water is one of the basic nutrition guidelines that one has to follow, as keeping the skin hydrated is important. Bed ridden persons are often seen to be surviving on poor or faulty nutrition. Hence, they should be supplied with adequate amounts of dietary proteins, calories, minerals and vitamins (specifically zinc and vitamin C, as they help in tissue repair and wound healing).

Diet For Mouth Ulcers

Treating mouth ulcers requires antioxidant rich foods, the lack of which results in the weakening of the mucin of the mouth. Fresh fruits such as apple and guava are rich in antioxidants. Junk foods that are low in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as processed desserts should be avoided.

Iron deficiency can cause stomach ulcers. Hence, iron rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, and pulses should be eaten. If the mouth ulcer is due to celiac disease, foods made of gluten-free flours such as flours of rice, almond, hempseed and teff should be eaten.

Diet For Eye Ulcers

People suffering from corneal ulcers should keep their corneal nutrition intact. Firstly, they should have plenty of water and other fluids to keep their eyes hydrated to prevent dryness which can aggravate the discomfiture caused due to ulcers.

Secondly, a person should have a diet rich in vitamin A such as liver pate, paprika, red pepper, chili powder, sweet potatoes, carrots and dark leafy green vegetables.  Protein-rich foods such as ostrich meat, wild salmon, and sardines are also recommended with anti-oxidant rich foods for sound eye health.

Diet For Genital Ulcers

The diet for genital ulcers should consist of B vitamins, Vitamin C and Zinc, lysine, minerals and iron to build optimum immunity levels as genital ulcers are often caused due to weak immunity to the genital pathogens.

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that make the body unsuitable for the growth and survival of these pathogens. Refined sugar, alcohol and junk foods are nutritionally poor and they should be avoided as these foods replace the nutrient-rich foods in the diet.

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