5 Effective Herbal Remedies For IBS


Ibs or irritable bowel syndrome is a collection of symptoms characterized by abdominal cramping, pain, bloating with gas etc. You may also have headache, fatigue, depression too. The symptoms are often accompanied by either diarrhea or constipation or both. In fact this is the most irritating part of ibs.

You do not know whether you are suffering from diarrhea or constipation. The disease is characterized by an irritation and irregularity in the large and small intestine. There is no cure for ibs. In fact ibs can not be cured completely. It is often managed symptomatically.

However, you can bring the symptoms much under control with dietary control and stress management. But there is a scope to do more. You can take the help of herbs for managing symptoms. There are a lot of herbal remedies for ibs.

Herbal Remedies For Ibs


Ginger is a great digestive aid and contains a lot of anti-inflammatory properties. It is soothing for every aspect of your digestive system. You can take ginger tea for benefit.

For using ginger steep some grated ginger in hot water for at least 10 minutes. Now strain the ginger solution and take it as tea. Ginger tea bags are also commercially available. You should drink at least four cups of ginger every day to alleviate the effects of ibs.


When you are suffering from ibs you are likely to suffer from bouts of diarrhea. This will drain out the beneficial bacterial in your gut. The resulting imbalance between good and bad bacteria can further aggravate your problems. You may have further infections. So you need to fight the bad bacteria and replenish the good bacteria.

For this you can use goldenseal. This herb has antibacterial capabilities and it can fight the bad baceria. Adding some yogurt to it will help in replenishing the good bacteria as yogurt is full of nutrients and live bacteria that are good for your gut. The good bacteria may also attack any other infection in your gut and remove the cause behind ibs.


This herb has been used traditionally for ibs. It is a very good digestive aid and has been found to be quite useful in alleviating the symptoms of ibs. It has a coating and soothing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. You can chew on licorice root to get relief from ibs symptoms.

Also Read

Common Diets For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Herbal Remedies For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Natural Cure For IBS
How To Cure IBS Naturally
Effective Home Remedies For IBS


Aniseed, the household spice, has volatile oils. The distinctive flavor of aniseed makes it a good weapon against gas. As gas is a common problem in ibs you can manage these symptoms with aniseed. You can add two aniseeds into your tea. You will get considerable relief from gas formation.


Bloating is a common problem in ibs. This can be managed by taking some cardamom. The bitter tasting essential oils in cardamom abates the digestive system and helps in formation of more digestive enzymes.

This helps in resolving the problem of bloating. To get the benefit crush one or two seeds of cardamom and mix that with a spoon of honey. If you can take this regularly you will be quite relieved from the problem of bloating.

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