Categories: Home Remedies

5 Effective Home Remedies For Chemical Poisoning


Chemical poisoning may result due to the harmful effects of the known and unknown chemicals found in our environment. These chemicals can leave severe effects on body. Chemical poisoning can be caused due to the ingestion or exposure to batteries, ammonia, cosmetics, cleaning products, drain cleaners, disinfectants, few house plants, chlorine and many more external agents.

Chemical poisoning can result in acute or chronic conditions. Signs can show up in seconds or hours depending on the exposure to the poison, quantity inhaled and type of poison. The effects of chemical poisoning may vary from severe skin problems to failure of kidney and liver. Some home remedies which can help to recover from chemical poisoning are as follows:

Various Ways To Cure Chemical Poisoning


Diet is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle. In case of chemical poisoning, intake of organic food can provide great relief. Diet which is rich in high fiber can be very effective in cleansing the body. Such foods, which are recommended for chemical poisoning encompasses brown rice, barley, beans, oatmeal, carrot, spinach, almonds, bananas, organic curd and lemons.

Garlic should be used when the patient is recovering, as it helps in detoxification and cleansing the blood stream. The foods, which are rich in refined sugar, fats and animal proteins, must not be taken.


Fasting can also prove to be an effective method to decrease toxicity. This is considered to be a very successful natural therapy for flushing out toxins. It is also the most ancient process of detoxification.

During fasting, the intake of water must be increased for easy elimination of poison and toxins. Food fasts can also be done, during which periods the food which is easy to be digested can be taken.

Hot Water Bath

Hydrotherapy is a very effective technique that can be easily applied. Make a hot water tub and add 1 cup of bleach commonly used at homes. Water should be as hot as your body can bear comfortably.

Sit inside the bath tub till the temperature of the water reduces to the body temperature. The heat of water brings the toxins to the skin surface and the toxins come out as the temperature of water is reduced.

Herbal Remedies For Chemical Poisoning
Natural Cures For Chemical Poisoning

Increase Fluids Intake

The patient suffering from chemical poisoning must increase the intake of water and other fluids. Water helps in extracting toxins from the body through urine and sweat. You should have atleast 6 to 8 glasses of water in a day.

You can also consume fruit juices and soups to increase fluid intake. However, use of alcohol and coffee must be stopped during intoxication.

Breathe Fresh Air

This is a good home remedy when the chemical poisoning has occurred due to inhalation. As important organs like lungs will be easily affected, the patient must be made to breathe fresh air immediately. If possible, he should be taken to the top of a tall building when the air is relatively cleaner. Clothing should also be loosened to allow easier breathing. In case breathing has stopped, artificial respiration should be given.

Chemical poisoning occurs due to the toxins and poisonous substances which enter the body through different ways. These home remedies are easy and cost effective in treating the poisoning caused during inhaling or absorption by the skin.

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