5 Herbal Remedies For Fainting


Temporary loss of consciousness is known as fainting. You may have seen people fainting or have himself experienced such an episode. Whatever it is when you faint you may turn pale, start sweating profusely, feel dizzy and weak on legs. You may also have a rapid heartbeat.

The immediate cause of fainting is drastic and sudden reduction of blood flow to the brain. It can be due to strong odors, excitement, mineral imbalance, anemia, dehydration and such other causes. You may also have neurological problems that cause frequent fainting spells. Some medicines like tranquilizers or antidepressants also may cause fainting.

In modern treatment there is no specific drug for curing fainting. Administration of electrolyte or change in diet helps with fainting. But there are some herbs that can be quite effective in treating. Let us explore some of the herbal remedies for fainting.

5 Herbal Remedies For Fainting

Gingko Biloba

This herb has been used since ancient times to help increase memory. But it is seen that this herb can also regulate blood circulation which may be very useful for treating and preventing sudden loss of blood from the brain.

The effect of gingko biloba on fainting patients was studied and it was found that it has the capacity to raise the blood pressure which may help to fill up the brain with blood and compensate for the sudden loss of blood. For the right dosage you consult a doctor .


This herb helps with fainting that is due to nervous breakdown. It is soothing for the nervous system and helps the heart to relax.

Extracts of melissa have been tested on patients for fainting and it has been found to be quite effective in treating this disorder. You can take 100 mg of melissa extract per Kg of your body weight.


The property of eucalyptus as a decongestant is well known, but that is not the only use of eucalyptus oil. The aromatic oil can pacify the heart and the nervous system and stabilize you in case of a fainting episode. You can use a eucalyptus oil compress. Drop some eucalyptus oil generously in a bowl of warm water and soak a towel in the liquid.

Now compress the back of neck and the forehead region of the fainted person with this towel. With repeated compress the patient will regain consciousness due to the combined effect of warmth of the compress and aroma of lavender.

Green Tea

Green tea is a very good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory natural element. It is good for the heart and helps in relaxing the heart.

As you may have rapid heartbeat during fainting episodes you can use green tea to calm the heart and alleviate symptoms of fainting. This also stabilizes the blood flow to the brain.


This is basically a good antioxidant herb. It helps in promoting blood circulation. As drop in blood flow is the principal reason behind fainting you can get good support from this herb while in a fainting episode. Taking some bilberry extract may increase blood flow to the brain and help in recovering from fainting.

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