Categories: Herbal Remedies

5 Herbal Remedies For Urinary Problems


Urinary problems can have a range of probabilities. You can have urge continence, stress incontinence, overactive bladder, prostate inflammation or even urinary infection. You will be unable to hold on to urine if you are suffering from incontinence or overactive bladder. This is the most embarrassing feature of urinary incontinence. Urinary infection is a severe kind of infection by staphylococcus or other bacteria that infects the whole of urinary tract and even the bladder. You will have burning and itching with urination along with other symptoms.

You can also have kidney stones. This will lead to malfunction of the kidney and manifest with a variety of illnesses. To add to the problem some of these urinary problems like incontinence are least affected by medicines. There is hardly any specific medicine for urinary incontinence that can solely bring relief to the affected person. However, there are herbs. There are some excellent herbal remedies for urinary problems. Let us discuss some of those for specific urinary problems.

Herbal Remedies For Urinary Problems

Gosha Jinki Gan

It is actually a combination of different herbs. It has been studied and found to be quite useful in treating urinary urge incontinence, frequency of urinary, symptoms of overactive bladder etc. It enhances the capacity of urinary bladder as well as reduces the frequency of bladder contractions.

This leads to the person being able to hold more urine for longer time. This herbal formula is available in most pharmacy stores. For the right dosage you should consult a practitioner.


This herb has hairy leaves that appear like hooked structures. It is a good diuretic meaning that it promotes the production of urine.

It has been found that this herb forms a coating in the inside wall of the bladder. This coating has the ability to guard against irritation that is the main cause behind overactive bladder. The herb is available in local pharmacies.


One of the most aggressive kinds of urinary problems is urinary infection. For this you need antibiotics. In place of antibiotics you can use goldenrod herb. This herb is a antidote against urinary infections. But not only that, goldenrod also prevents formation of kidney stone and remove the miniscule stones with urine.

It is also anti-inflammatory and antiseptic in nature. So whether you are developing kidney stones or have an attack of urinary infection you can take recourse to goldenrod. It is available in many leading pharmacy stores.

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This herb is an excellent antibiotic and it mostly used for treating urinary tract infection. It is also a great anti-inflammatory and diuretic herb. The astringent action of this herb is also a good remedy for incontinence.

The anti-inflammatory property is useful against prostate inflammation that results in difficulty and pain with urination. So you can take horsetail if you are suffering from urinary incontinence, urinary infection or prostatitis.


This herb has been traditionally used to treat inflammation of the bladder and kidney that results in painful urination or excess of uric acid in urine. It contains a chemical called hydroquinone which is helpful in fighting bacteria.

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  • Urinary problems caused by prostatitis, cystitis, UTI can be treated with herbal medicine called diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill with good therapeutic effect.

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