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5 Home Remedies For Brain Hemorrhage


Brain hemorrhage is one of the most fatal accidents. At the moment of trauma the patient may not experience much of a symptom. However, as soon as the oozing blood forms clots it starts manifesting and within a short time the vital parameters of the patients start getting haywire. Brain hemorrhage may be caused by trauma, such as a fall or a collision. It may also be caused by high blood pressure, weakening of the walls of blood vessels, infection, blood clots, tumors etc. There are several types of brain hemorrhage such as subdural hemorrhage, epidural hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage etc. Brian hemorrhage needs emergent medical intervention.

After a brain hemorrhagic trauma surgery is the only option to bring the patient back from jaws of death. However, after the emergency medical intervention is over and also before medical intervention takes over, home remedies can be of significant help. There are some home remedies that are quite useful in treating the symptoms of brain hemorrhage. Let us explore a few of the home remedies for brain hemorrhage.

5 Home Remedies For Brain Hemorrhage


High blood pressure in the brain blood vessels leads to rupture of blood vessels at weakened points leading to brain hemorrhage. Blood spills over the brain and puts pressure on the brain. To prevent or to minimize the impact of blood pressure you need to bring down blood pressure.

Garlic is quite useful in controlling blood pressure. It contains sulphides and allicin. Sulphides aid in blood flow whereas allicin works quite effectively in relaxing the blood vessels. It also lowers the effect of angiotensin I enzyme which plays an important role in elevating blood pressure.

Managing Breathing

In some cases of brain hemorrhage the patient suffers from an inability to breath. So before intubation and oxygenation starts on an emergency basis arrangements should be made to make breathing a little bit easy for the patient.

Clothing needs to be loosened and the patient needs to be placed on a place where there is ample circulation of air. This will facilitate breathing to some extent until medical management is available.

Reduce Stress

Stress is considered to be one of the culprits responsible for many cases of brain hemorrhage. To bring down deaths from brain hemorrhage as well as to prevent further brain hemorrhage after an attack stress needs to be managed.

Household spice like turmeric are quite effective in bring down stress level. Lower stress level lowers the blood pressure and reduces the chances of brain hemorrhage. You can have turmeric with some honey to sweeten it.

Stabilize Blood Pressure

Soon after a trauma attention needs to be paid towards stabilizing the blood pressure. The patient should be made to lie down, elevate his legs and put on some compression stocking.

This will reduce the pooling of blood to the lower extremity and make more blood available for the upper torso and brain. This will help in stabilizing blood pressure to some extent. The patient can also be given salty biscuits to raise blood pressure for the time being.

Vitamin C

Stiffness of arteries and veins and their weakening at places can give rise to brain hemorrahage. To prevent such accidents arteries and veins need to be maintained in a supple state so that even high blood pressure does not break them. After a brain hemorrhage when the immediate crisis has been averted you should endeavor to keep the veins and arteries as supple as possible so as to prevent further hemorrhage.

This can be done with regular intake of Vitamin C. Vitamin C plays leading role in maintaining the elasticity of arteries and veins. So take lots of vitamin C daily to prevent breakage of veins and arteries and precipitate brain hemorrhage. Vitamin C can be had from various items such as lemon, orange, spinach etc.

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