Categories: Yoga Treatments

5 Most Effective Stress Relief Yoga Exercises


Though stress is technically the outcome of any event (positive or negative) that excites you, and thereby, elicits a series of reactions from your body. It affects your body adversely when the causal agent is negative. Human beings are subjected to negative stress of varying intensities in their daily lives.

Some of the stressors such as the death of a loved person occur rarely, while some such as pressured professional deadlines occur more frequently. The basic reaction of the human body when subjected to stress is a manifestation of the primitive reaction of fight or flight, i.e. a stressed person either fights through adverse situations or tries to escape from the situation in fear. Either reaction involves important organs, organ systems, and hormones of the body resulting in their damage and accumulation of toxins.

Prolonged stress, owing to the destruction it causes on the human body, can lead to serious psychosomatic diseases. Hence, it is important to eliminate the stress toxins from the body, and restore its state of healthy being. This can be effectively achieved by performing yoga poses that are specifically designed for combating stress, curing stress-induced diseases, and protecting bodily damage from further stress.

Best Stress Relief Yoga Exercises

Pranayama (Yoga Breathing Exercise)

There is no better exercise than the Pranayama for relieving stress and removing stress toxins from the body of a stressed person. Pranayama consists of a set of methodical breathing exercises that make a stressed person aware of his/her breathing pattern and rectify it, which has a calming effect on his mind.

The deep breathing exercises fill the body with fresh oxygen and throw out the accumulated toxins from the body. The Pranayama exercises comprising Bhastrika (The Bellows Breath) , Kapalbhati ( Forehead Shining Breathing), Nadi Shodhan (Alternate Nostril Breathing), and Brahmari Pranayama( Bee Breath) , are simple to perform.

Balasana (Child Pose)

Balasana is the pose which babies assume when in deep sleep. As this is one of the comfortable poses of sleeping for stress-free individuals such as babies, it is practiced by adults to achieve almost the same benefits as children, i.e. calming the mind, thus making it stress-free.

This exercise is performed by sitting in Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) and bending your body forwards slowly, with your hands stretched in front, till your forehead touches the ground. You can tilt your head to a side, if required.  Remain in this pose for about 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times. This pose provides immense relaxation.

Setu Bandha Sarvangansa (Bridge Pose)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, a pose that makes you resemble a bridge, relaxes your back and neck, thereby providing a calming effect. To perform this asana that is known to relieve one from stress and anxiety, lie down on your back, bend your knees, with your legs resting on your feet and your hands by your side.

Now slowly raise your waist and hips, allowing your hamstrings to raise you as high as possible. Remain in this position for 30-60 seconds breathing normally. Return back to initial resting position and repeat the exercise.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bending Exercise)

Uttanasana is a simple but effective exercise for calming your mind. It comes with other benefits such as stretching your spine, hips and thighs, thereby providing you complete mind and body relaxation. To perform this exercise, first stand erect with your feet slightly apart. Now, gradually bend forward till you touch the floor with your hands.

You can also hold your knees or shank if your hands do not reach the floor. Now, bend your head inwards till your forehead touches your legs. This pose is said to result in the best relaxation when done with the knees slightly bent.  Remain in this pose for 30-60 seconds, breathing normally. Repeat it 1-2 times.

Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Savasana is the most easily performed yoga pose for stress relief. It is performed by lying straight on your back on the floor, with your hands by your side and your feet pointing slightly outwards. While in this pose, close your eyes and take deep breaths, concentrating on each breath.

Focus on different parts of your body, progressively, from the toes to the head, and release the tension in them. The benefit of this exercise is greatly enhanced with the incorporation of relaxation visualization.

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