Categories: Natural Cures

5 Simple Natural Cures For Leucoderma


One of the infections which no one wants to come across is Leucoderma. It is a case in which the skin pigment called melanin starts losing colour gradually from the skin layers. As a result the skin colour changes to white. The symptoms of this can be appearance of white patches all over the body mostly in the areas like neck, hand, wrist and back.

It is found in almost two percent of the population across the world and one of the causes of this can be huge mental stress. Other causes can be gastric problems, metabolic disturbances, heredity problem, burns or injuries, digestive system having parasites and consumption of food items that should not be taken together like fish and milk or chicken and milk. Here are some natural cures for leucoderma:

Natural Cures For Leucoderma

Pomegranate Leaves

Rich in vitamins and carbohydrate, Pomegranate is a fruit that is consumed all over the world. The fruit has a medicinal value and is known as a blood filter and builder.

Leucoderma can be cured if new – fresh blood crosses the infected area every time. Take a handful of the dry fruit plant leaves and grind them to powder. To have better results have 10 grams of powder with a glass of water every day.

Radish Paste

Radish, an edible root vegetable primarily grown in Rome and other European countries is rich in many vitamins and iron. Apart from increasing the immunity it is also fruitful in curing Leucoderma. Take 25 grams of radish seeds and grind them to make powder. Mix it with two teaspoon of vinegar and prepare a paste. Apply it on the affected area and allow it to dry. Once dried, wash it with water and repeat this daily.

Mustard Oil And Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant from the ginger family which has a lot of medicinal importance since ages of mankind. Whether it is internal or external infection, turmeric can cure anything.

To prepare an ointment add 100 grams of turmeric powder in 1 litre water and boil till it turns into thick paste. Let it cool down and add 100 ml of mustard oil. Apply the paste twice a day and then wash thoroughly with warm water.

Holy Basil

Apart from being a holy plant, basil leaves have a good amount of medicinal value. To cure white patches, eating the basil leaves orally proves to be better as it is a good cure for internal body inflammations. To have effective results, mix a handful of leaves with stem in a cup of water and boil it till the juice of leaves is extracted in the water. Drink this solution every day.

Alfalfa And Cucumber Juice

A flowering plant from the pea family alfalfa is a flowering plant known for its medicinal value. As leucoderma is caused due to digestive disorders, alfalfa acts as a medicine and improves the digestive mechanism.

It also gives a soothing effect into the stomach walls. Prepare 100 grams of alfalfa and cucumber juice and consume the same two to three times in a day daily. It is an effective remedy to cure leucoderma efficiently and effectively.

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