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5 Simple Nature Cure For Heartworms


Heartworm disease is a serious illness which is caused by a parasitic worm, especially through the bite of the mosquito that results in severe lung disease, heart failure, other organ damage, and death in humans as well as in pets, mainly dogs and cats. These worms gets matured into adults, and produce offspring from inside. 

Heart worm needs a mosquito as an intermediate host to spread the disease, which helps worms stay inside a mosquito for a short period in order to be infective, and cause heartworm disease, as the worms reside in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of an infected human or animal. In humans, these heartworms are usually found as a single worm in the lung versus the heart. Signs of heartworm disease are cough, fatigue, breathlessness, decreased appetite, weight loss, swollen belly etc.  Below are the excellent natural cures for heartworm.

5 Excellent Nature Cure For Heartworms

Black Walnut

Black walnut is proven to be a better herb for prevention as it contains cleansing agents which work on the intestines. Black walnut helps the metabolism and makes the animal less likely to be a victim of parasites, which carry heartworms.

Black walnut passes through the stomach and into the blood systems, making it effective for the heartworm parasite. It mainly acts by killing the larvae before they get mature and fill the heart by consuming black walnut twice daily.


Garlic effectively acts on heart worms; mincing a bulb of garlic and adding the small bits of it to the food will help prevent forming of the heartworms.

These minced garlic should be mixed well into the food, to keep away from their scent which might turn off from eating. Consume this five times a week for better results or even daily until desired results are obtained by crushing and adding it into food substances.

Cloves Good

Cloves are considered to be safe and effective in the treatment of heart worm infestation. The anti parasitic properties of cloves are known to be useful for this purpose. Thus, consume these cloves which best reacts on the worms and kills them; also, helps to decrease or stop further growth of these worms.

You can consume 2 cloves everyday crushing it with teeth, or if it is difficult for you to eat with bare mouth, even you can crush the cloves and sprinkle it on the food or use while cooking.


Carrots have anti parasitic activity that makes them fight against these heartworms; because of this reason, these Carrots have become one of the most popular natural treatment for heart worm infestation. Thus, it is recommended to consume more carrots if you are suffering from heartworm condition, as daily consumption can be very effective in getting rid of these worms from the body.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice which is known as citric-acid is found as a very effective treatment for heartworms, due to its high antibacterial properties. It is also rich in vitamins, proteins and other antioxidents.

Hence, you can consume this lemon juice directly by squeezing juice in mouth, else you can mix with water or either use it on food and get away from heartworms.

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  • I have a 6 year old male Lab mix that weighs 82 lbs and had been diagnosed with heart worms. We can't afford the convention treatment and really don't want to put him through it. We, of course, want something that has been proven to work and are prepared to purchase now. Can you please advise me on what I need to do?

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