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5 Wonderful Natural Cures For Hangover


The party was good, but the booze was better, and that made you take a shot or two more than usual. Now is the time for hangover. The headache and dizziness, the uneasiness, muscle aches, irritability etc. are the symptoms of hangover and will disturb you throughout the day until you have another round of sleep for 7 to 8 hours.

But what about today? You need to go to office. You may have some important appointment or meeting. No, you do not need to skip office. You can attend that all important meeting and do other chores. There are natural cures for hangover that you can adopt at home. Let us learn about some natural cures for hangover.

5 Natural Cures For Hangover


It has been seen that apples can work very well against hangover. When you drink alcohol your urination increases. This depletes the stock of vitamins in your body. This can be dealt by an apple.

Take a few apples in the morning after. This will replenish the stock of nutrients in your body and also settle your stomach. This way a few apples on the morning after can give you quite a relief from the jitters of hangover.

Boiled Egg

Boiled egg is full of nutrients which is able to replenish some of the nutrients in your body. This is why boiled egg or egg poach is a popular hangover breakfast. It is very rich in protein which increases the production of mood enhancing enzyme serotonin.

Not only that, these proteins also suppress nausea to some extent. Moreover, eggs are rich in certain amino acids which fight against the toxins that are one of the causes of hangover.

Ginger Root

Ginger root is also a popular hangover remedy. It is well known that ginger is used to treat nausea and vomiting. However, it has been seen that these properties of ginger work wonders in case of hangover.

The nausea, vomiting and sickness will be cured to a great extent if you take at least two cups of ginger tea in the morning.


Banana is known to be smooth on the stomach so it can settle your stomach to some extent. This property is also made use of in settling the stomach while suffering from diarrhea. But along with settling your stomach which is essential in treating hangover, you also need to replenish the level of potassium.

You have lost quite an amount of potassium since last night because of excessive urination that has been triggered by drinking. Banana can compensate for the loss of potassium as it is quite rich in this mineral. So take at least two ripe bananas in the morning to reduce the intensity of hangover.

Also Read

Natural Cure For Dizziness
Home Remedies for Hangover
Herbal Remedies For Nausea

Honey And Lemon

Honey is soothing for the mucus lining of your stomach and intestine. But more specifically it has been observed hat honey can reduce the rate of alcohol metabolism. Rapid alcohol metabolism precipitates withdrawal symptoms like headache and nausea.

With honey you can reduce the rate of alcohol metabolism and therefore the withdrawal symptoms. Adding some lemon to it which add some energy to the drink. A concoction of honey and lemon will help in alleviating nausea and headache to a great extent.

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