5 Yoga Exercises For Shoulder Pain


A shoulder pain is one of the most common and also commonly ignored body issues. Most people pay attention to it only when it becomes intense and want immediate relief. However, you can prevent such a situation by taking timely action when it is well under control. At times, shoulder pain is also accompanied with neck pain.  Firstly, you have to find out the root cause of your shoulder pain.

Is it because you are overstraining yourself? Do you have a dislocated or fractured shoulder joint? Are you having complications such as frozen shoulder or a pinched nerve in the shoulder region? Once the cause is established you should take the necessary medical treatment and along with that perform some yoga exercises that will not only help you in recovering rapidly, but will also help in prevention of shoulder and upper back problems.

5 Best Yoga Exercises For Shoulder Pain

Druta Tadasana (Dynamic Palm Tree Pose)

Druta Tadasana is one of the easiest and most effective yoga poses. You can make it one of your most effective exercises to tone your shoulder muscles and ameliorate pain, as it is easy to perform and can be performed as many times as you wish in the course of the day.

Sit or stand with your hands locked and palms facing outwards. Raise your hands above your head. Keeping your hands straight, bend sideways and return to the central position. Keep your breathing normal and perform this exercise as many times as you wish.

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

To perform the Mountain Pose is not a mountainous task at all!  All you have to do is to sit and raise your hands sideways, with palms facing upwards, slowly from your sides till they meet on top of your head. You should raise your hands keeping your eyes closed and inhaling deeply.

Remain in this position for 10 seconds and lower your arms, while exhaling slowly and deeply. Repeat the asana for as many times as you can. This exercise tones and strengthens the shoulder muscles and relaxes the spine.

Prishtasana (Lizard Pose)

The lizard may be abominable, but the Lizard Pose is what you need to assume in order to maintain the health of your shoulders and upper back, and your thyroid and thymus glands. This exercise is simple to perform. Sit on all fours and bend forward till your forehead touches the floor.

Stretch your hands straight out in front, resting them completely on the floor. Relax in this pose for about 10-30 seconds or more, according to your comfort level, and revert to the starting position. Repeat, if desired.

Tadasana (Palm Tree Stretch)

Tadasana, in the sitting or standing position, provides immense spinal and shoulder relaxation to the person performing it. It is a simple-to-perform exercise.

Lock your hands, with your palms facing outwards, behind your back. Now, lift the locked arms as high as possible for you. Gently, drop your hands to the starting position. Unlock your hands and rest them by your side. Repeat the exercise, as many times, as you desire.

Marjariasana (Cat Stretch Pose)

The Cat Stretch Pose comes to many of us naturally, immediately after we wake up in the morning, and now you can know reason behind it. It relaxes your spine and shoulders improving the blood flow in that region. It works as a mood-enhancer too. Therefore, your body automatically seeks this pose to rejuvenate itself at the beginning of your new day! To perform this exercise, lock your hands in the front with your palms facing outwards.

Now, gradually raise your hands upwards as much as you can. Inhale and draw your stomach inwards. Hold your breath. Remain in this position as long as you can. Do not try to hold your breath for more than a few seconds. Exhale slowly while bringing your hands down. Relax and repeat this exercise 4-5 times.

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