Categories: Herbal Remedies

6 Herbal Remedies For Dysentery


Dysentery is characterized by a colic pain emanating from the large intestine region of the abdomen. It is mostly accompanied by ulceration and inflammation of the large intestine. You may be passing liquid or at most semi formed stool that come with a pain before passing the anus. There may be blood, mucus or pus along with the bowel. Your gastrointestinal system is in topsy turvy, and the saliva and gastric juice have turned acidic.

The stomach has lost its innate capacity to absorb nutrients from the food and pass that on to the blood stream. Dysentery is considered to be caused by some bacteria. Alternatively it is said that eating meat in excessive amounts in hot and damp weather is mainly responsible for dysentery. Unhygienic living conditions and intestinal disorders can be some of the other reasons.

Whatever may be the cause dysentery is a very discomforting and even debilitating disease. It makes you emaciated and robs you of digestive power. For recovery the patient first needs to be administered oral rehydrating solutions which will compensate for the loss of minerals and water and help your body to continue to function. Along with this you can have herbs that are beneficial for your health in dysentery. There are a lot of herbal remedies for dysentery. Let us learn about some of these.

Herbal Remedies For Dysentery


Ginger is known to be a household herb that has a lot of digestive power and can settle the stomach and the intestines. It is also anti-inflammatory in nature.

All these properties are quite useful in treating or getting some comfort from the sufferings due to dysentery. You can have ginger tea to reap the benefits of ginger. Two cups is enough to have some effect.


Fenugreek has been used since a long time to pacify the gastrointestinal system. It has a cooling effect on the stomach and intestine.

Taking fenugreek with some yoghurt will be more useful since it will replenish the stomach with good bacteria like lactobacillus which perhaps have been washed away with stool. Steep some fenugreek in water for at least 4-5 hours and then drink the clear liquid. You will feel a lot of relief.

Caynne Pepper

You may have bleeding with bowel discharge. It is one of the distinctive features of chronic dysentery. This can be cured to some extent with caynne pepper herb. Though this is a stimulant herb it can be used in dysentery with blood and mucus. This is because caynne pepper contains capasaicin which helps in toning the body and bringing normalcy to bodily functions.

It enhances the activities of both the gallbladder and the intestine and promotes the production of important digestive enzymes. This property is especially helpful in dysentery as your gastrointestinal system becomes somewhat non-functional in dysenery. Moreover, it is antibiotic in nature. Pour one fourth teaspoon of caynne pepper in a cup of water, stir it and take it sip by sip. You will feel relieved.


This herb is also useful for stopping bleeding and is purportedly even better at it than caynne pepper. It is specially useful for stopping bleeding from the lowest part of large intestine. Native americans used this herb to cure dysentery. Due to its mucilaginous nature this herbs is soothing for the stomach mucosal lining.

It also promotes healing. Due to the antispasmodic nature it can stop stomach cramps. Over and above all these the herb is anti-inflammatory in nature. It also relieves pain and headache. Combination of all these properties is helpful in alleviating the symptoms of dysentery. In large dosages mullein acts as a laxative. For the right dosage you should consult a herbalist.


This herb is known for its strong anti-inflammatory and antibiotic nature. But more than that goldenseal is known for its ability to boost the immune system. So if your dysentery is due to pathogens then goldenseal seems to be your answer.

Mix it with equal proportions of cranesbill and prepare a mixture. Now tell somebody to inject small amount of it into the rectum. Take the shots as and when needed. Symptoms of dysentery will be alleviated to a great extent.


Comfrey root is astringent in nature. It contains chemicals known as tannins which tighten up the gastrointestinal muscles. This leads to fluid retention which stops watery stool as well as bleeding.

This can alleviate the symptoms of dysentery to some extent. Steep some chopped comfrey root in water for at least one hour. Strain and take a cup of this daily to remedy dysentery.

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