6 Homeopathic Treatments For Hair Loss


When it comes to hair problem, people generally go for expensive treatment in the hope of eliminating the problem but the bitter truth is that these are treatments just for the sake of name and are not very effective. Talking about treatment, there is one and only one treatment called homeopathy which always stands the best and has answer to any kind of hair problems. Therefore, now is the time to give up on these expensive treatments and rely on the homeopathic treatments that are all natural. Down here are given the homeopathic treatment for hair loss. Go through them to see how they function and to what extent, they can eliminate your hair problem.

Here Are The 6 Homeopathic Treatments For Hair Problems:


This is also the best homeopathic treatment for hair loss. Derived from human tissues and sandstones, this medicine not only strengthens the hair root but eliminate the dryness by providing nourishment to the hair. Therefore, this medicine is famous as growth enhancer and is one of the 12 tissue cell salts in the field of homeopathy.

Kallium Carbonium

This is one of the most prescribed medicine by practitioners especially when problem like hair thinning and hair loss troubles you every now and then. In case your hairs are weak and are brittle in nature, you can blindly rely on this medicine for its hair growth and hair strengthening property.

Kali Sulphuricum

Available in liquid and tablet form both, this homeopathic medicine is very much suitable for treating hair loss caused due to dandruff. The proportion of sulphur in this medicine proves excellent in promoting overall growth to the hair. Make sure, if you are taking this medicine than do not take more than two in one day.


People suffering from intense hair loss and then going into premature balding must try this medicine. Often pregnant women or after pregnancy, women suffer a lot under hair loss. To stop that cycle and promote hair growth, this medicine is considered as the best. Not just for women but for women also, this medicine works no less. Therefore, if you desire hair growth and want to add some good nutrients to your hair, have this medicine for its effectiveness.


Phosphorus is an effective homeopathic medicine for stimulating hair growth. If clumps of hair are lost from some parts on head, than phosphorus helps in regenerating hair at those areas also. This medicine is recommended to those people mostly who go through hair loss due to dandruff problem or minor skin disorders.

Natrium Muriaticum

Made from sodium chloride or table salt, this medicine helps in hair growth, removing dandruff, dry crusts and stops hair loss that occurs due to skin or menstrual disorders. Sometimes, hormonal imbalance also becomes the cause of hair loss, at that phase also, this medicine is recommended for its efficacy. Often this medicine is prescribed to people who are emotional or sensitive in nature.

Homeopathic Hair Oil

When it comes to treating hair loss, tablets or pills are not the only answer, homeopathy has, apart from it, homeopathic treatment is available in the form of oil also. Filled with the essence of nature, Its oil come in many varieties and are best suited for hair exposed to harsh weather conditions and are actually in very bad shape. Homeopathic oil wonks wonder in enhancing hair growth, eliminating dandruff, treating baldness and regulating premature greying. Furthermore, these oil are best for maintaining hygiene to the hair.

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