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6 Natural Food To Beat Iron Deficiency


Iron is a crucial mineral required by our body to carry out a number of complex, indispensable processes continuously.  It is a quintessential component of hemoglobin, an element in the red blood cells that carries out oxygen from our lungs and distributes it throughout the body. Iron also plays a vital role in the production of enzymes which are necessary for the generation of new cells in our body, essential hormones, inevitable neurotransmitters , and amino acids.

However, most individuals suffer from iron deficiency due to unhealthy lifestyle and consumption of inappropriate kinds of foods. When you suffer from iron deficiency, a number of its symptoms start to surface such as poor blood count, anemia, deficient oxygen supply to various parts of the body, dizziness, poor or reduced vision, and many more.  So it is necessary to include natural foods that are rich in iron in your diet to beat iron deficiency easily. Here are some prominent natural foods that can help you cure iron deficiency easily in a short time span.

Here Are 6 Natural Food Cures To Beat Iron Deficiency:


Having pomegranate helps your combat different symptoms of iron deficiency, such as weakness and dizziness. Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C that helps your body to access the iron in this easily available fruit. In addition to this, pomegranates are also rich in fiber, vitamins A, vitamin B, and potassium.  You can munch it or have its fresh juice regularly. You can also consume it by with salads or mixed fruit juices.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter contains high amount of iron as well as many other minerals, which are beneficial for various body processes and our system maintenance. It is one of the simplest foods that can be consumed by kids as well as adults easily. You can have it with bread, by spreading its paste over the biscuits, or in any other fashion as you like. However, make sure that you don’t consume excess of peanut butter.


Being rich in vitamin C and lycopene, tomatoes aids easy absorption of iron. In addition to this, tomatoes also possess great amounts of vitamin E and beta carotene that prevent various issues resulting due to anemia. Make it a habit to have raw tomatoes everyday or you can have them with sandwiches during your breakfast. Also, you can have tomato juice for better absorption of iron.

Red Meat

For individuals who are fond of non-vegetarian delicacies, red meat can be a great option to enjoy non-vegetarian cuisines while combating iron deficiency. Red meat contains high amounts of heme iron, which assist your body to absorb various kinds of non-heme iron which is prominently present in leafy vegetables. So when you plan to have leafy vegetables and spinach, add some red meat to the menu. However, ensure that you don’t red meat daily since it’s rich in fats and can lead to serious cardiovascular issues.

Whole Grains

Another natural food that can help you to beat iron deficiency is whole grains since they contain great amounts of iron. Whole grains, such as wheat, oats, rye, and corn, serve as a rich source of iron to combat its deficiency. You can go for bread, cereals, and pastas prepared from whole grains or regular multi-grain breads. Make these food items part of your regular meals and breakfast.

Prunes And Raisins

Raisins and prunes are excellent sources of iron. Raisin is a dried grape, which you may not find easily. However, once available, you can carry prunes and raisins around with an ease to eat them as per your convenience. You can have them with a mixture of dried nuts as a snack. Adding prunes and raisins to cereals or oat meal can help you have a more nourished and wholesome course of meal. It will ensure daily consumption of iron in your diet.

These six natural foods will help you raise iron levels in your body and stay fit and active always.

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