Top 6 Home Remedies For Getting Relief From Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual Cramps

Menstruation occurs monthly and it happens when uterus lining is shed by the body. Almost every woman must have experienced menstrual cramps pain in her life. These cramps are often very painful and affect the regular activities during menstruation. These cramps are caused when the uterine muscles contract during time of menstruation. Some pain during menstruation is normal but when you are getting severe pains, it can result into missing your regular work. Dysmenorrhea is the medical term known for painful menstruation. When women experience pain just during or before menstruation, it is known as primary dysmenorrhea, whereas, when women experiences painless menstruation, but it becomes painful later, is known as secondary dysmenorrhea. Uterus and other pelvic organs are also affected by this problem. Painful menstruation can be caused by number of reasons, but there are number of women who are at risk of getting painful menstrual cramps, including, women who have family history of painful periods, women who smoke, women who are having irregular periods, those women who never had a baby, women who are having very heavy bleeding while periods, or those who are below age of 20.

painful menstruation

Sudden menstrual cramping and pelvic pain can be sign of infection. If the infection is not treated on time, it can harm the pelvic organs and can also lead to infertility. You must seek medical attention if you have symptoms of infection that includes fever, pain, foul smelling vaginal discharge or sudden pain, especially when you are pregnant. There are several home treatments that can be done to get rid of or to get some relief of the menstrual pain.

Here Are The Top 6 Home Remedies For Getting Relief From Menstrual Pain:


Ginger soothes muscles and helps fighting cramps. It is one of the safe and natural home remedies for getting relief from menstrual cramps. If you are getting bad period cramps, try taking ginger tea. Ginger is much effective as ibuprofen and just taking ginger tea acts wonders while you are suffering from bad period pain. It acts as cramp reliever. Ginger is an effective herb in making irregular periods to regular and helps in fighting fatigue as well.



Exercising during periods can sound tough but it really works in getting relief from muscle cramps during periods. Any type of physical activity or just brisk walking can help easing the belly pain. If you are getting painful menstrual cramps, it is advisable to exercise four to five times in a week to maintain good health and to help reduce the belly pain.



For getting relief from menstrual cramps, basil acts as an effective herb. Basil is containing caffeic acid that had pain kicking properties and helps getting relief from pain during menstruation. You can add to approximately one cup of boiling water, one tablespoon of basil leaves and then drink this water when it is cool. You will get relief from cramps after few hours of drinking this basil water. You can also extract the juice of basil leaves by crushing some basil leaves and add this juice to approximately one cup of warm water. Drinking this water can help you get relief from period pains. It is also good if the basil leaves can be added to food, it helps in reducing pains during menstruation.

Holy Basil


One of the best home remedies for getting relief from pain and discomfort due to menstrual pain is by drinking cinnamon tea. It has anti-inflammatory properties and also anticlotting as well as antispasmodic properties that help relieving cramps. You can easily make cinnamon tea at home by adding about one fourth of cinnamon powder in about one cup of hot water. After stirring it for about five minutes, add some honey to this water. Sip it slowly. It helps to prevent cramps when taken three to four times on first day of period.



If you want to control the excessive menstrual cramps, heat is another best remedy available. You can apply heat by placing a heat pad on the lower abdomen. It acts wonders in relaxing the muscles which are contracting in the uterus. Taking a hot shower also helps in getting relaxed from the menstrual cramps and pain. Applying a heat pad or a water bottle filled with warm water at the lower back can also help in controlling the menstrual cramps.



Fennel helps in relieving cramping and discomfort due to menstrual pains. You can add about one teaspoon of fennel seeds to one cup of boiling water. Remove the mixture from heat and add about one teaspoon of honey and mix it properly. You can drink this hot to see the best results. It is good if you can start taking this mixture or tea about three days before the menstrual cycle starts to get relief from the menstrual cramps. It can be taken two times in a day.

Fennel Seeds

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.