6 Yoga Exercises To Increase Sperm Count


Infertility is a common problem faced by today’s young generation and it is caused mainly due to the psychological as well as physical reasons.

Sperm count is the quantum of sperms present in the ejaculum and one of the major causes of infertility is low sperm count (ideal sperm count should be 15 million per milliliter and above) Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, drug abuse, lack of exercise, obesity,

performance anxiety, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart ailments, poor blood circulation, hormonal disorders, lower back injury etc. will lead to low sperm count. In case of low sperm count, before opting for the expensive artificial treatments, you can try natural treatments like yoga, which helps to increase the sperm count to a great extent.

6 Yoga Exercises

Yoga exercises helps to increase the blood circulation, enhance the reproductive gland’s health, prolong the reproductive age of man and maintain the sperm count at ideal level. The following exercises help to increase the sperm count.

1. Agnisaar Kriya

To start this yoga, stand straight with your feet kept at shoulder width apart. Now, slowly bend and place your hands on the knees and keep your tummy loose. Then exhale completely and hold the breath out and pull the stomach inwards, as much as possible. Thereafter loosen the tummy slowly as far as possible and then inhale and relax. This completes the exercise and repeats this yoga exercise for two to three times. Those who have heart disease, peptic ulcers, slip disc and high blood pressure should not practice this yoga.

2. Halasana

Lie straight on your back and stretch your body by keeping the hands on your side close to the body facing down. Breathe in and raise both the legs together till it reaches 90 degree to the waist and while doing so keep the head intact. Now raise your waist using the hands as pivots and stretch out the legs beyond the head and try to touch the ground with the feet. Make sure the knees are kept straight and hold this pose for as long as you can and breathe normally. Thereafter, return to the starting position slowly and ensure that your head and palms remain on the floor and knees remain straight while doing the yoga. Repeat this yoga pose again and people with slip disc, spondylitis and back pain should desist from this pose.

3. Sethubandhasana

Lie flat on your back and then bend the legs at knees and keep the heels very close to the hips. Try to hold the ankles with the hands, if this is not possible, just keep the hands close to the hip with the palm facing down. Breathe in and lift the back and hips smoothly and slowly, while keeping the heels and shoulders on the floor. By closing your eyes, locate the painful area on your spine and hold this posture as long as you can and breathe normally. Thereafter, return to the starting position slowly and relax. Practice this yoga pose twice or thrice a day.

4. Dhanurasana

Lie flat on the stomach and raise your legs behind your head and grasp the ankles with the hands. Now breathe in and raise the lower part of the body and chest from the floor, so that only the stomach touches the floor. Then slowly tilt the neck towards the back with the eyes kept closed and you can feel a strain between your hands and legs, hold this position and breathe normally and then return to the starting position. Repeat this yoga pose once again.

5. Ashwani Mudra

Sit in sukhasana or padmasana with your eyes closed and back kept straight. Slowly pull the lower abdominal muscles and anus up and then relax, repeat this exercise hundred times focusing on the muscular contraction and relaxation.

6. Bhastrika Pranayam

Again sit in padmasana or sukhasana with the eyes closed, back kept straight and hands placed on knees with gyan mudra. Breathe out through both the nostrils with full force and then breathe in, so that the lungs should expand to its full capacity. Slowly increase the speed of this process and maintain a rhythmic pattern. Continue this exercise for thirty to forty times or till you feel tired.

More over always wear loose fitting cotton clothes and avoid the testicles from getting overheated.

View Comments

    • No, u r wrong becoz real meaning of " increase the sperm count" is your sperm count should be dark, heavy & maximum of quantity but if your sperm count is light & low then u have lack of sperm count & women's images cannot dark & increase the quantity & standard of sperm count but these yog's & exercises are definitely increase the stamina, sperm count quantity, level, heaviness & standard, These yog's better for good sexual life..

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