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Yoga practise is recommended for maintaining overall physical fitness. Yoga is beneficial for weight loss, for toning up your muscles and for maintaining a good physique. Apart from this yoga has another aspect; Yoga stimulates the function of your internal organs.
You can strengthen the bladder by practising specific yoga exercises that work on your pelvic floor muscles and help to treat and prevent bladder problems.
Forward bends help to improve the function of your kidneys and bladder by gently massaging the internal organs. They stimulate blood circulation to strengthen bladder.
Stand with your feet placed at 6-8 inches distance, let your arms hang loosely along on the sides. Inhale deeply and raise your arms above the head, stretch your body as much as you comfortably can. Slowly bend forward while exhaling, slide your hands along the thighs from the back till they reach behind the knees.
Try to touch your nose to the knees or bring it as close as you can. Stay in the pose for 5-7 seconds and breathe normally. Inhale and slowly lift your head and move your arms upwards while massaging your thighs, come back to starting position and repeat to complete three rounds.
Sit down on a mat and stretch your legs in front of you. Place your arms along the side, keep your back and neck upright. Inhale deeply and lift your arms above the head, bend forward while exhaling and slide your arms along the sides of the thighs and lower legs till they reach your toes.
Hold the big toe with your fore finger and thumb and bring your nose as close to the knees as possible. Hold the pose for 5 seconds, tighten your abdominal muscles and press your pelvic muscles down. After 5 seconds, release the muscles and slowly come back to starting position while inhaling. Take two normal breaths and repeat to complete three rounds.
Shoulder stand in an inversion pose that helps to reduce pressure on bladder and kidneys. It reverses the normal flow of fluids in the body and it has a soothing effect on the bladder. For beginners, shoulder stand might prove to be difficult; you can perform this pose against a wall for support.
Lie down straight on a mat and keep your feet close together. Inhale and lift your legs to the ceiling while exhaling, place your hands below the waist to avoid straining the back. Gradually lift your hips till they are perpendicular to the legs. Your weight shall rest on your shoulders.
Stretch your feet and press your chin in the neck and hold your breath for 5 seconds. Release the chin lock and slowly come back to starting position while inhaling. When coming back from shoulder stand, first fold your legs from the knees then lower your back and straighten the legs. This will prevent strain on your lower back. Relax is Shava asana for 10 seconds.
Bridge pose is an upward bend which targets your bladder and pelvic floor muscles. You can raise the difficulty level according to your capacity. The following method of performing the bridge pose is a simplified version.
Lie down on your back with your legs folded at the knees. Keep your knees hip width apart and place your feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms on the side with palms facing down. Breathe in and lift your hips off the floor and protrude your abdomen towards the ceiling. Press your navel towards the floor and look at your navel. Hold the breath for 5 -10 seconds. Release your breath and come back to starting position. Breathe normally for a few seconds and repeat three times more.
Lotus pose should be performed after practising other yoga poses. It helps to relax and strengthen the bladder. Sit down on a mat, cross your right leg over the left leg and place your right foot on left thigh close to the groin. Bring your left leg over right leg and place left foot on right thigh near the groin.
Place your hands on the knees with palms facing upwards and touch your index finger with the tip of the thumb to form Gyan Mudra. Close your eyes and bring your focus in the centre of your eye brows. Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly and focus your attention to your breathing. This is a meditative state which helps to relax your body and mind . Beginners can perform Half Lotus Pose by placing one leg under the other leg.
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What about people like me who cannot do these exercises because I have undergone Total Hip Replacement. Are there any alternate exercises for such problem.