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The recurring episodes of intense vomiting and nausea are something to worry about for sure. Along with it you may also have headache and abdominal pain. The condition is prevalent mainly in children, though adults are not immune to it. If your child is suffering from cyclic vomiting syndrome he may get over it in adulthood, though some children still have it in adulthood. Exact reasons behind this malady is still unknown though it is apprehended that some foods, infections, extreme physical exertion, psychological stress and lack of sleep can act as a trigger for this syndrome.
The attack generally comes with a warning that includes nausea, pallor, increased sensitivity to light, sound, smell, temperature and pressure. There may also be muscle pain and fatigue. Whatever may be the causes and warning signals, when cyclic vomiting syndrome strikes it can make you bed ridden. You will be highly dehydrated and emaciated. But the treatment for this peculiar syndrome is not very well established. It is mainly treated symptomatically. There is not much that modern medicine can do to cure this syndrome. However, mother nature has quite a lot of treasure that can alleviate the symptoms. Let us discuss some of the herbal remedies for cyclic vomiting syndrome.
Herbal Remedies For Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
This herb is known to be useful in treating cough and cold, but it is also quite useful in the treatment of vomiting and nausea. It contains chemicals known as menthol. This compound is responsible for a cooling sensation in the mouth and has a stabilizing effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
This can bring down the recurrent episodes of vomiting to a large extent. The aroma can heal any headache or body ache that you may have along with the feeling of being nauseated. If there is a bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal system and that has resulted in inflammation then peppermint oil can be quite helpful. It is able to reduce inflammation and remove the cause behind recurrent vomiting attacks. You can take peppermint as tea or in the form of candy.
Ginger is a age-old remedy for nausea because it has a calming effect on the stomach. Moreover, it is anti-inflammatory in nature. These two qualities are essential in alleviating the symptoms of recurrent vomiting.
Thus ginger can sooth the digestive tract along with the stomach and provide quite a relief from vomiting and nausea. To take ginger the best way is to prepare ginger tea and take it sip by sip. It can be used as a spice in culinary preparations. This herb does not have any reported side effects either.
Chamomile tea is used in a variety of health conditions. Now it has been found to be quite useful in treating nausea and vomiting too. It contains some compounds that have a calming effect on the muscles of the body that include the gastrointestinal muscles.
It can bring down abdominal spasms too. So along with preventing nausea and vomiting it can also heal the strained muscles of the body and ease body aches. Chamomile is mostly taken as tea. A cup of chamomile tea taken slowly can heal recurrent vomiting to a large extent.
The root of licorice herb contains an acid known as glycyrrhizin. This compound is especially useful in treating viral or bacterial infections of the stomach and intestine. Another very important quality of this herb is that it forms a coating over ulcers, if any, in the gastrointestinal tract.
This reduces the inflammation and the bouts of vomiting and nausea automatically comes down. So if the cyclic vomiting syndrome is due to a stomach ulcer or viral infection then you should turn to licorice root. You can just suck on the root or prepare some tea with it. You will be benefited.
This is a herb that is especially useful in treating abdominal cramps. When you or your child is suffering from recurrent bouts of vomiting you are most likely to have severe abdominal cramps.
You can treat this problem with this herb. It is available in tincture form. You can take 10 drops of 1:1 tincture of blackhaw three times a day to tide over the cramping episodes.
This herb has been used for centuries to treat an upset stomach.
It can set right an upset stomach and sooth the stomach and intestinal linings and muscles. You can take 20 drops of 1:1 tincture of marshmallow three times a day to get some relief.
Slipper Elm
This herb is used from ancient times to sooth the digestive tract.
It can soothe an agitated digestive tract and reduces bouts of vomiting. You can have 20 drops of 1:1 tincture of slippery elm thrice a day to get relief from vomiting.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.