Categories: Herbal Remedies

7 Effective Herbal Remedies For Frostbite


Frostbite is a common phenomenon in cold regions. You will have a painful and itchy sensation in the bitten area. The skin may become pale or white in color and waxy in texture. Along with these you may have a feeling of burning and numbness. If the frostbite is severe blisters too may appear. Frostbite is a medical condition where the skin and other tissues in the affected area are damaged. When the body comes in contact with freezing cold the blood vessels in the extremities begin to shrink and the blood is somewhat pulled back towards the heart.

It is a natural response of the body to preserve body temperature, but it leaves the extremities high and dry as blood is drained away from the foot and hands. The drop in blood level below a threshold can cause skin and tissue damage and ultimate death of the area. Such is the severity of frostbite. Frostbite can be divided into four grades depending on the damage. In first degree frostbite only the surface of skin is damaged. In second degree the skin freezes and gets hardened.

With continued exposure to frost or severe cold third and fourth degree frostbite can occur and in that case the muscles, tendons, nerves and blood vessels all may get damaged in the affected area. For first, second and third degree frostbite rewarming of the affected areas can take care of the problem. However, if the tissue is already dead then surgery is the only option. However, rewarming is not always feasible in second or third degree frostbite. In that case you can take the help of herbs. There are a lot of herbal remedies for frostbite. Let us explore some of these.

Herbal Remedies For Frostbite

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a remedy for a plethora of skin diseases, and that includes frostbite. It is anti-inflammatory and soothing in nature. Due to these properties it can give you some relief from the burning and itching due to first or second degree frostbite. Moreover, aloe vera contains lots of vitamin E which is essential for skin rejuvenation.

Further, the antifungal and antibacterial nature of aloe vera prevents infection of the affected areas. Apply some fresh aloe gel on the affected area at least thrice a day. You will feel the difference within a few days.


Chamomile is an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic herb. It can help you with itching, redness and pain which are the most discomforting features of frostbite.

Soak a clean piece of cloth in chamomile tea and apply it on the injured area. If you do this at least 3 to 4 times a day you can alleviate the symptoms of frostbite.


The flower of calendula herb has medicinal properties. It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing in nature. Moreover, it has a soothing effect on the nervous system.

You can take it both internally as tea and externally on the wound. Place a clean piece of cloth or cotton soaked in calendula tea on the frostbite area. With regular application you will feel relieved of the symptoms of frostbite within 3 to 4 days.


The root of comfrey has been used for centuries to treat wounds like cuts and  burns. It contains a chemical known as allantoin which is readily absorbed by the skin. The chemical can provide a stimulus for growth of healthy cells.

It is also soothing for the skin. Make few poultices with powdered comfrey root and few drops of water.  Apply these on the affected areas. The area will heal within a few days.


Seeds from the flax herb contain omega-3 fatty acids. These are very important for fighting inflammation and boosting immune power. Owing to these properties flaxseed oil has been used for centuries to treat skin problem.

It can bring down inflammation and along with it the itching and burning feeling. You can take it internally. Two tablespoon of flaxseed oil taken daily is enough to provide relief from the symptoms of frostbite.


Horsetail is found to be rich in silica which is needed for reconstruction of tissues. This is applicable for your skin too. Horsetail helps in building collagen which is fundamental to skin generation. For the proper dosage you should consult a herbalist.

Mullein Flower

The flower of mullein is effective in frostbite treatment. It is mildly sedative, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory in nature.

For use make tea with mullein flowers and strain the tea. Now soak a piece of cloth in this liquid and apply on the affected areas. This will alleviate the symptoms of frostbite.

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